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Hi, I’m Juliet.
I’m a terrible singer, a young adult book reading addict, a photography lover, a late night novel writer, and a homemade chocolate chip cookie extraordinaire.
I have the world’s best husband, who I’m still wildly in love with and have had a crush on since 7th grade. I’ve also always known I’d be a mom… growing up with four sisters I was ready for girl world, and to raise my own #girlgang. Instead I’ve been graced with three incredible little boys. I’m learning a whole know scope of things with them, and my heart could not be more full.
I graduated with BS focused on Digital Media, and worked for a number of years designing websites, and running content management systems at a corporate level. Then my husband got accepted to graduate school on the east coast, and I followed him, becoming a stay at home mom in the processed. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I also loved the adventures of motherhood, and that learning new skills was my passion!
I became a self-taught photographer, (my initial draw and obsessed was with Heidi Hope Photography’s style.) and I started taking pictures back in 2010. I’ve grown those skills over the last decade+ to launch a few random side business, including a product mockups shop you can find on Etsy called SlyDesignStudio, and to take family pictures for myself, family and friends.
It’s also been fun to see how my photography has grown even in the last five years, comparing the difference between my A-Z 100 Objects Lists vs. my newer A-Z 100 Foods Lists.
Another of my long-standing passions is novel writing. I’ve always been a big reader, and it’s been fun to transition that to writing. I have a few completed novels (young adult fantasy) and they are currently being submitted to agents, which is both fun and exciting.
And finally, I have a string of small online ventures and the truth is, that I feel so fulfilled learning and creating! It doesn’t matter to me if that creation is in the form of drawing a dump truck, or researching a long list of items that start with the letter E, writing a novel or blog, or taking and editing pictures, I love it all.
Bottom line and an end to my rambling, I’m thrilled that you’ve found me in my small corner of the internet. I hope the content I’ve provided here is useful to you and can help make your life a little bit easier.
I love questions, comments, suggestions and ideas, so if you have any feel free to shoot me an email.
You can reach me at: TheSlySpoon {at} gmail {dot} com