Supplies Needed:
- Colored Craft Paper
- Letter “Q” Cutout
- Elmer’s Glue
- Scissors
- Googly Eyes
- Orange Pipe Cleaner
- Colored Feathers
- Markers
Set Up:
We started by trimming down some of our feathers so that they would be short enough to fit on our letter “Q”. Then we added a layer of glue to our “Q” and added our feathers to it making sure that all of the letter was covered. I cut the orange pipe cleaner into 3 inch sections and then made 5 tiny bends in the middle of each one before twisting the two ends together to form the quail feet. Then I cut a small part off of another pipe cleaner and bent it into a “V” for the beak. We finished by gluing on our quail feet, beak and two googly eyes.

Tracing Letters:
*Courtesy of http://bogglesworldesl.com/
Have you made this craft? What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better? I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.
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