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A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on. I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “N” letter objects them on hand. If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “N” objects.
- NHL hockey puck: A small, hard rubber disc used in ice hockey as the object of play.
- Nachos: A popular snack made of tortilla chips topped with cheese, salsa, and other ingredients.
- Nail: A thin, horny plate that grows on the upper surface of the tip of each finger and toe.
- Nail Polish: A colored liquid or paste applied to nails to enhance their appearance or protect them.
- Nail art stickers: Decorative designs or patterns that can be adhered to the nails to create intricate nail art.
- Nail brush: A small brush with stiff bristles used for cleaning and scrubbing the nails and cuticles.
- Nail buffer: A tool used to smooth, shine, and polish the surface of the nails.
- Nail clippers: Handheld cutting tools specifically designed to trim and shape the nails.
- Nail file: A long, flat tool with a rough surface used for shaping and smoothing the edges of the nails.
- Nail strengthener: A product applied to the nails to improve their strength and prevent breakage or splitting.
- Nanny cam: A hidden camera used by parents to monitor the activities of their child or caregiver.
- Napkin: A square or rectangular piece of fabric or paper used for wiping the mouth and hands during a meal.
- Napkin holder: A container or device designed to hold and dispense napkins in an organized manner.
- Nappy (Diaper): An absorbent garment worn by infants and young children to contain and manage waste.
- Narrator: The voice or character that tells a story or provides commentary in a literary work or film.
- Narwhal: A medium-sized Arctic whale known for its long, spiral tusk protruding from its head.
- Nasal spray: A liquid medication delivered through a spray nozzle into the nose to relieve congestion or other nasal conditions.
- Nashi Pear: A type of Asian pear that has a crisp, juicy texture and a sweet, refreshing flavor.
- Natural spring water: Water sourced from underground natural springs that is believed to be pure and free from contaminants.
- Nautical chart: A specialized map used by sailors and navigators to plot and navigate their course on the ocean.
- Nautical flags: A set of flags used as a system of communication between ships at sea, each flag representing a different letter or message.
- Nautical rope: A strong and durable rope specifically designed for maritime use, such as securing or towing boats.
- Nautical telescope: A telescope with a specialized design for use at sea, typically used for navigation and spotting objects at a distance.
- Navel: The hollow or depression in the center of the belly, commonly known as the belly button.
- Navel Orange: A type of orange characterized by its navel-like formation on the blossom end, often sweet and easy to peel.
- Navy: A branch of a country’s armed forces that primarily conducts naval operations at sea.
- Neck: The part of the body that connects the head with the rest of the body.
- Necklace: A piece of jewelry worn around the neck, typically consisting of a chain or string with a pendant or beads.
- Necktie: A long, narrow piece of fabric worn by men around the neck and tied in a decorative knot under the collar.
- Nectar: A sweet, sugary liquid secreted by plants, often used as a food source for bees and other pollinators.
- Nectar-sipping bird: A bird that feeds primarily on the nectar of flowers.
- Nectarine jam: A sweet spread made from cooked nectarines, often used on toast or pastries.
- Nectarine tree: A tree that produces nectarines, a type of juicy fruit similar to peaches.
- Nectarines: Small, fuzzy fruits with a smooth, juicy flesh and a sweet taste.
- Needle: A thin, pointed instrument used for sewing or medical purposes.
- Needle threader: A small device used to help guide thread through the eye of a needle.
- Needlepoint: A type of embroidery done with small, diagonal stitches on a canvas or fabric.
- Neighbor: A person who lives near or next to someone else.
- Neon sign: A sign made using brightly colored, illuminated tubing filled with neon gas.
- Neoprene wetsuit: A suit made of a synthetic rubber material called neoprene, commonly used for water sports to provide insulation.
- Nerd: A term often used to describe someone who is highly intellectual or deeply interested in specific subjects.
- Nerds Candy: A sweet and crunchy candy with a tart flavor, usually sold in small, colorful pieces.
- Nerve: A bundle of fibers that transmit signals between different parts of the body.
- Nest: A structure built by certain animals, such as birds, to house and protect their eggs or offspring.
- Net: A meshed fabric or device used to catch or hold objects, typically used in sports or fishing.
- New Year’s Eve party hat: A festive hat worn during celebrations on New Year’s Eve.
- Newborn: A recently born baby, usually within the first few weeks of life.
- Newspaper: A printed publication containing news, articles, and advertisements, typically published daily or weekly.
- Newt: A small, lizard-like amphibian with a long tail, typically found near water.
- Nickel: A silvery-white metal element often used in alloys or as a coating for other materials.
- Nickel coin: A coin with a face value of five cents made primarily from nickel.
- Night vision goggles: Optical devices that enhance visibility in low light conditions or darkness, allowing users to see clearly in the dark.
- Nightgown: A loose, lightweight garment worn for sleeping, typically for women.
- Nightstand: A small table or cabinet placed next to a bed, often used to hold items such as lamps, books, or alarm clocks.
- Nine: The number between eight and ten.
- Ninja: A skilled warrior or person trained in the art of Ninjutsu, a traditional Japanese martial art.
- No-bake cookies: Cookies made without baking, often made by combining ingredients and allowing them to set or chill.
- Noah’s Ark: According to biblical tradition, a large vessel built by Noah to save himself, his family, and a pair of every animal during a great flood.
- Noise machine: An electronic device that plays soothing sounds or white noise to help mask or drown out unwanted noise.
- Noise-cancelling headphones: Headphones designed to reduce or cancel out background noise, allowing for a more immersive and focused listening experience.
- Noisemaker: A device, such as a horn or rattle, used to make noise, often used during celebrations or events.
- Non-dairy milk: Plant-based alternatives to dairy milk, commonly made from sources like almonds, oats, or soy.
- Non-stick pan: A cooking pan that has a non-stick coating, making it easier to cook with and clean.
- Noni fruit: A tropical fruit that grows on a small evergreen tree, known for its pungent smell and purported health benefits.
- Noodle bowl: A bowl of soup or broth-based dish that includes noodles as a primary ingredient.
- Noodles (Food): Thin strips of dough made from wheat, rice, or other grains, often used as a base for various dishes.
- Noodles (Pool Float): A inflatable pool toy shaped like long, flexible pasta that can be used for floating or lounging in the water.
- Nook: A small, secluded space or corner, typically in a room, where one can relax, read, or work.
- North: The cardinal direction on a compass that points towards the Arctic or the upper half of a map.
- North Pole: The northernmost point on Earth, located at 90 degrees latitude, where the Earth’s axis intersects its surface.
- North Star: A bright star, also known as Polaris, that is located almost directly above the North Pole and serves as a navigational marker for finding north.
- Nose: The prominent organ on the face of humans and many animals, responsible for breathing and the sense of smell.
- Nose flute: A musical instrument played by blowing air through the nostril into a hollow tube, producing melodic sounds.
- Notch: A small cut or indentation made in an object or surface, often used for keeping track of measurements or fitting two objects together.
- Note: A brief record or message, typically written to serve as a reminder or to convey information.
- Note cards: Small, single-page cards used for writing brief notes or messages, often used for studying or organizing information.
- Notebook: A bound book consisting of multiple pages for writing, note-taking, drawing, or other purposes.
- Notebook paper: Loose sheets of paper that fit into a notebook, usually featuring lines or grids to facilitate writing.
- Notepaper: Similar to notebook paper, but generally refers to loose sheets of paper used for writing notes or letters.
- Nouveau art: An artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th century, characterized by decorative and ornamental styles.
- Novel: A long piece of fictional prose narrative, often centered around characters and their experiences or adventures.
- Novelty socks: Socks with unique, whimsical, or humorous designs, often used as a fashion statement or for fun.
- Nozzle: A device or opening at the end of a hose, pipe, or nozzle, used to control or direct the flow of a substance, such as water or air.
- Nugget: A small, solid piece of something, often used to refer to a small piece of meat, precious metal, or information.
- Numbers: Mathematical symbols or figures used to represent quantities, perform calculations, or indicate a position in a sequence.
- Numbing cream: A topical anesthetic agent that temporarily numbs the skin, often used prior to medical procedures to minimize pain.
- Nunchucks: A traditional martial arts weapon consisting of two short sticks connected by a chain or rope, often used for striking or blocking.
- Nurse: A trained healthcare professional who provides medical care, support, and assistance to patients in various settings, such as hospitals or clinics.
- Nurse shark: A species of slow-moving, bottom-dwelling shark known for its relatively docile nature and nurse-like appearance.
- Nut butter: A spreadable paste made from ground nuts, often used as a spread on bread or as an ingredient in recipes.
- Nutcracker: A tool used to crack the hard shells of nuts, typically consisting of two hinged arms and a mechanism to exert pressure.
- Nutcracker ballet: A classic ballet performance set to Tchaikovsky’s music, usually performed during the holiday season, featuring a story involving a nutcracker doll and a young girl.
- Nutella: A popular brand of sweet, hazelnut-flavored spread, often used as a topping or filling for various desserts or breakfast foods.
- Nutmeg: A spice derived from the seed of a tropical evergreen tree, often used in culinary preparations for its warm and aromatic qualities.
- Nuts: Edible seeds or kernels surrounded by a hard shell, such as almonds, walnuts, or peanuts, often eaten as a snack or used as ingredients in cooking or baking.
- Nylon: A type of synthetic material known for its strength, silk-like texture, and resistance to various elements.
Can you think of any other letter “N” objects? If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.
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- Letters A-Z Resource Page
Smoking sum rn !
doesnt sound like something to be proud of.