Toddler Letters – “R” is for “Rainbow”

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Letter R Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft R is for Rainbow with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft R is for Rainbow with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Supplies Needed:

  • Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “R” Cutout
  • Paint (I used watercolors)
  • Paint Brush
  • Glue
  • Markers

Set Up:

We took our letter “R” cutout and proceeded to paint it with our watercolors.  As much as I encouraged my son to experiment with colors like blue and red he couldn’t help himself but to go for the black and brown paint.  Ha.  So his rainbow ended up being… not very rainbow like, but he had a blast painting it.  We let them dry then pressed them between two books for a little bit so they would lay flat before gluing them down.

When we finished we talked about different colors and where we can find them (ie apples can be red, green or yellow, grapes can be red and green, watermelon is red/white/green)

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft R is for Rainbow with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

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