5 Easy, Engaging and Affordable Letter E Activities

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5 Easy Activity Ideas for teaching Letter E

5 Easy, engaging and affordable Letter E activities for your preschooler that can be done with only a few minutes of prep and will (hopefully) engage your child for far longer. From a fun craft to a game that encourages exercise, these activities are designed to make learning at home a breeze. So let’s dive in and discover fun letter E activities you can use to engage with your child.

E is for Elephant Eating Game

Letter E is for Feeding the Elephant "E's" Activity IdeaA fun activity to when learning the letter E is the Elephant Eating Game. This game is perfect for getting your child up and moving, while still learning the letter E. 

To prep you will need a cardboard box, to print (or draw) an elephant image, an empty cardboard tube (paper towel tubes work great) and some letter “E” Cutouts. (Printable E and Elephants Below)

Make your elephant by pasting (or drawing) the elephant image to/on your box and cutting out around its nose.  Then add the cardboard tube to be the elephant nose.  I used hot glue because it seemed fast and easy to me.  I’m sure tape would work great too.

Scatter your letter E cutouts around the room and let your preschooler gather them up and feed them to the elephant down its long nose. My son loved this game especially because he got to crumple up the “E’s” so they would fit down the nose.

After we fed the all the Letter E’s to the elephant my son wasn’t ready to be done, and thought it was just as fun to feed the elephant the other letters as well, then try to guess which of the crumpled papers were “E’s” and feed and refeed the elephant.  Honestly, for us, this was a 10/10 engagement, and I was ready to move on way before my son was, which is always a win in my book.

Bonus points if you use both capital and lowercase letter E’s, and different fonts to help with letter recognition.

(Click the images below to download and print if wanted)

Alphabet Letters that don't have an "E" Alphabet Letters "E" in different fonts and sizes Free Elephant Printable with nose Free Elephant Printable without nose Free Elephant Printable with nose Free Elephant Printable without nose


E is for Exercise

Physical activity is great for children’s development, and it’s so easy to make fun at this age. 

You can do any number of activities, but for us… Cosmic Kids Yoga is always a win, and in the name of Letter E, we watched her Easter Yoga video for our Exercise movement (I think there is also an Earth Day one, if you want to keep an E theme, but honestly all exercise is a win).    

Or you can find fun way to incorporate letter E activities by doing an exercise routine that involves E-related movements. For example, you can have your child do jumping “Elephant” jacks or “Eagle” squats which is pretty much the normal movement while incorporating a little bit of animal fun. 


E is for Envelope Exploration

Letter E Activity Idea - Envelope ExplorersThis one takes a small amount of prep (less than 5 minutes) but was also a good time. Below I’ve got some printables that include letter E things and non-letter E things that you’re welcome to use for this. 

Print out and cut out the letter E, and non letter E pictures and put each one in their own envelope, then hide those envelopes around your house.

Have your child go “Exploring” looking for the envelopes, then have them open what they find and decide if the picture inside starts with letter E or not.  If you’ve got a younger child, you can also just do the Letter E things and practice really annunciating the “E” sounding start to each item as you have them say it with you.

After we had all the envelopes collected we also ended up spreading them out and playing a pumped up memory game, where we tried to guess which envelopes had letter E things in them, and if we guessed right we got to keep that envelope/picture.

Letter E Pictures Printable Non Letter E Pictures Printable

E is for Earth!

Easy Letter E activity idea, earth day craftAnother fun activity that adapts really well to some outside play is making Earth Day style crafts. These are great for any time of the year, as it’s always worthwhile to be conscientious of our planet.  This craft is a great way to celebrate our planet, and also provides an opportunity to teach your child about the environment and the importance of taking care of it. 

Encouraging your child to be environmentally conscious from a young age is important for their future, and taking about caring for our Earth is the perfect way to start. 

For this I started by checking out our recycle bin to see if we had anything that was blue in it that we could use (we did) if you don’t blue paper, or tissue paper would also work great for this.

Then I handed my son a pair of craft scissors and a little box and we went for a walk and gathered up some nature treasures, mostly in the form of grass and leaves.

After our walk we came back and cut up our blue recycling into little bits and trimmed some of our nature treasures, and grabbed some glue.

I printed out an earth for us (free printable below) and we glued our blue stuff in the ocean areas, and our green stuff on the land areas, making what I thought was a fun a pretty unique craft.

Earth Clip Art Printable

E is for Egg-Experimenting

Letter E Activity Idea, E is for ExperimentingWe did this right around Easter, and you actually don’t need eggs at all, but we had so many laying around and it was E themed so… it happened.  Looking at this post some time of the year that’s not April? No worries, I think it would have worked just as well with only the cupcake tin.

I put some baking soda in our plastic eggs (or in a muffin tin) then added a few different colored drops of food coloring, then added more baking soda over the top so the colors were hidden.

Then I gave my sons a bunch of vinegar in our pipettes and them them squirt it in our different cups until the erupted and they could see the different colors.  This one was so engaging and fun that my ten year old, who is reaching the too cool for these kinds of things stage, couldn’t resist getting in a playing a bit with this one.

There you have it, 5 letter E activities that you can do more or less on a whim, and that we had a great time with.  If you’ve used them or have ideas I’d love to know how it went if you wanted to drop me a comment below.

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