A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on. I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “Z” letter objects them on hand. If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “Z” objects.
- Zafu: A round cushion used for Zen meditation.
- Zamboni: A machine used to clean and smooth the surface of an ice rink.
- Zampone: An Italian dish made from a stuffed pig’s trotter.
- Zander fish: A species of fish, similar to pike, commonly found in Europe.
- Zapper: A device, typically a remote control, used to switch the functions of an electronic device.
- Zebra: A wild horse native to Africa, notable for its black and white stripes.
- Zebrafish: A small tropical freshwater fish known for its use in genetic research.
- Zebu: A species of domestic cattle originating in South Asia.
- Zen garden: A minimalist Japanese garden designed to encourage reflection and meditation.
- Zephyr: A soft, gentle breeze.
- Zeppelin: A type of rigid airship named after the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
- Zero: A number representing no quantity or null value.
- Zest: The outer, colored part of the peel of a citrus fruit, or the enthusiasm and energy one puts into an endeavor.
- Zeus: The king of the gods in ancient Greek religion and mythology.
- Zig Zag: A pattern or path that moves repeatedly between two directions or positions.
- Zinc: A chemical element with symbol Zn, used predominantly as a corrosion-resistant material.
- Zinnia: A genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family.
- Zip Code: A system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service.
- Zipline: An overhead cable or rope stretched between two points, along which a person or cargo can slide for transportation.
- Zipper: A device consisting of two flexible strips of fabric with interlocking metal or plastic teeth and a sliding mechanism, used to fasten clothing or bags.
- Zircon: A mineral stone, often used as a diamond simulant in jewelry.
- Zither: A stringed musical instrument utilized mainly in Eastern Europe and East Asia.
- Zitherist: An individual who specializes in playing the zither.
- Zodiac sign reader: A person who interprets and predicts events based on the positions of celestial bodies in the zodiac signs.
- Zombie: A fictional undead being, typically portrayed as a reanimated corpse or a mind-controlled human.
- Zonkey: A hybrid animal that results from crossbreeding a zebra and a donkey.
- Zoo: A facility housing and displaying various species of live animals for education and conservation purposes.
- Zookeeper: A person who maintains the welfare of animals in a zoo by feeding and monitoring their health.
- Zoologist: A scientist who studies the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
- Zoot Suit: A men’s suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed trousers and a long coat with padded shoulders, popular in the 1940s.
- Zorbing: The recreational activity of rolling downhill in a transparent, plastic ball or orb.
- Zorilla: A striped, polecat-like mammal native to Africa.
- Zucchini: A smooth, thin-skinned summer squash of Italian origin.
- Zucchini Bread: A sweet bread made from shredded zucchini, flour, and other ingredients.
- Zumba: A dance fitness program combining Latin and world rhythms with cardiovascular exercise.
Can you think of any other letter “Z” words? If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.
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- Letters A-Z Resource Page