Supplies Needed:
- Craft Paper
- “C” letter cutout
- Marker
- Mixing Bowl
- Spoon/s
- Variety of Cereal or Dry Ingredients
- Glue

Set Up:
In hindsight I probably should have said “C” is for “Cereal”… but it felt like we were making cookies at the time. I started by letting each of the toddlers take a scoop/tablespoon/teaspoon full of the different ingredients and together they would mix them up. They loved this activity! They had so much fun getting to add different spoonfuls of things to the bowl and they took their mixing very seriously. This continued until I made the mistake of adding “Lucky Charms” into the cereal mix. One scoop of those added to the bowl and the kids were no longer content to stir, they were ready to start sampling. Ha!
After all the marshmallows and most of the raisins had been devoured I was able to convince them to take a few scoops of their mixture and spread it over a glue covered “C”. It might look less like a cookie than I was intending, but the kids had a blast making it.

Tracing Letters:
Have you made this craft? What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better? I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.
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