Toddler A-Z – 160+ Objects That Start with the Letter “T”

Big list of objects that start with letter T


A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on.  I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “T” letter objects them on hand.  If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “T” objects.
  1. T-Shirt: A lightweight shirt with short sleeves and typically a round neckline.
  2. Tabasco Sauce: A brand of hot sauce made from tabasco peppers, vinegar, and salt.
  3. Tabernacle: A fixed or movable habitation, typically of light construction.
  4. Table: A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used to hold items.
  5. Table Mat: A small mat placed on a table to protect the surface or enhance the table’s appearance.
  6. Tablet: A small, flat surface with writing or images inscribed for communication or decoration.
  7. Tabloid: A newspaper with compact pages, typically with sensationalist content.
  8. Tack: A small, sharp nail used to fasten items together.
  9. Tackle: Equipment or gear used in a particular activity or sport.
  10. Tacos: A Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients.
  11. Tadpole: The aquatic larva of a frog or toad.
  12. Taffeta: A crisp, smooth fabric with a lustrous surface.
  13. Taffy: A chewy candy made from sugar or molasses.
  14. Tag: A label or piece of paper attached to an item for identification.
  15. Tail: The rear part of an animal’s body, usually extending beyond the trunk or main part.
  16. Tailgate: A hinged door at the back of a truck or car that can be lowered for loading or unloading.
  17. Tailor: A person who makes, repairs, or alters clothes professionally.
  18. Talon: A hooked claw, especially of a bird or prey.
  19. Tambour: A traditional drum-like musical instrument.
  20. Tambourine: A percussion instrument consisting of a small drum with metal disks attached.
  21. Tangerine: A type of citrus fruit similar to an orange but smaller.
  22. Tank: A large receptacle or container for holding liquid or gas.
  23. Tap: A device for controlling the flow of liquids or gases.
  24. Tape: A long, narrow strip of material used for binding or fastening items together.
  25. Tape Recorder: An electronic device used to record audio onto magnetic tape.
  26. Tapioca: A starchy substance extracted from cassava roots and used in cooking.
  27. Tapioca Pudding: A dessert made from tapioca pearls cooked in milk and sweetened.
  28. Tar: A dark, thick, oily substance derived from coal or wood.
  29. Tarantula: A large, hairy spider found in warm regions.
  30. Target: An object or goal aimed at or desired.
  31. Tarmac: A type of road surface made from crushed stone mixed with tar.
  32. Tarts: Small pastries with fruit or sweet fillings.
  33. Tassel: A hanging ornament made of threads or cords.
  34. Taxi: A vehicle used to transport passengers for a fee.
  35. Tea: A hot drink made from the processed leaves of tea plants.
  36. Tea Cup: A small cup used for drinking tea.
  37. Teakettle: A kettle used for boiling water for tea.
  38. Teapot: A vessel with a spout and handle used for making and serving tea.
  39. Tear: A drop of saline fluid secreted by the eye.
  40. Technician: A person skilled in the use of technology or equipment.
  41. Teddy Bear: A stuffed toy bear, often used as a children’s toy.
  42. Tee: A short, typically casual t-shirt.
  43. Teeth: Hard, white structures found in the mouth that are used for biting and chewing food.
  44. Telegraph: A system for transmitting messages over long distances via electrical signals.
  45. Telephone: A device used for transmitting sound over distance using electrical signals.
  46. Telescope: An optical instrument used to view distant objects.
  47. Television: A device used for viewing broadcast programs on a screen.
  48. Tennis Player: A sport played by a person on a rectangular court in which a ball is hit back and forth over a net.
  49. Tennis Ball: A ball used in the sport of tennis.
  50. Tennis Court: The specially marked and constructed area for playing tennis.
  51. Tennis Racket: The equipment used to hit the ball in the sport of tennis.
  52. Tennis Shoes: Footwear designed for playing tennis, typically with rubber soles.
  53. Tent: A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials supported by poles.
  54. Tepee: A conical tent traditionally used by Native American tribes.
  55. Termite: A small insect that feeds on wood and can cause damage to wooden structures.
  56. Test Tube: A transparent tube used in scientific experiments.
  57. Textbook: A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
  58. Therapist: A person trained in therapy or counseling.
  59. Thermometer: A tool used to measure temperature.
  60. Thermos: A container used to keep liquids hot or cold for an extended period of time.
  61. Thermostat: A device that regulates temperature in a system, typically for heating or cooling.
  62. Thimble: A small protective cap worn on the finger while sewing.
  63. Thistle: A prickly plant with pink or purple flowers.
  64. Thorn: A sharp-pointed spine on a plant.
  65. Thread: A long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving.
  66. Threatre: A place for performances such as plays, musicals, and other dramatic productions.
  67. Three: The number after two and before four.
  68. Thresher: A farm machine used for separating grain from stalks.
  69. Thyme: An aromatic herb used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.
  70. Tide: The rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun.
  71. Tie: A piece of fabric worn around the neck as decoration or to hold a collar closed.
  72. Tiger: A large carnivorous cat with a striped coat.
  73. Tiller: A lever used to control the direction of a boat or ship.
  74. Timber: Wood used for building or fuel.
  75. Timer: A device used to measure time intervals.
  76. Tin: A metallic element often used in alloys.
  77. Tin Can: A container, typically cylindrical, made of tinplate or other metal.
  78. Tinsel: Shiny strips of material used for decoration.
  79. Tiramisu: An Italian dessert made of layers of espresso-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese.
  80. Tire: A rubber covering for a wheel.
  81. Tissue: A soft, thin piece of paper used for cleaning or drying.
  82. Toad: An amphibian similar to a frog but with dry, warty skin.
  83. Toast: Sliced bread that has been browned by exposure to heat.
  84. Toes: The digits on the end of a foot.
  85. Toffee: A confection made by caramelizing sugar and butter and sometimes adding nuts.
  86. Tofu: A soy-based food product made by curdling fresh soy milk and pressing it into blocks.
  87. Toggle: An object used as a fastener, consisting of a bar that fits into a loop or hole.
  88. Toilet Paper: Paper used for personal hygiene after using the restroom.
  89. Tomatoes: Red or yellow fruit with a juicy pulp, commonly used in cooking.
  90. Tongs: A tool consisting of a long handle with two hinged gripping arms, used for lifting and moving objects.
  91. Tongue: The muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.
  92. Tool Case: A container for storing and transporting tools.
  93. Toolbox: A box or container used for storing tools.
  94. Tooth: A hard structure in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  95. Tooth Brush: A tool used for cleaning teeth, typically with bristles and a handle.
  96. Top: The highest part of something.
  97. Top Hats: Tall, formal hats worn on special occasions.
  98. Topiary: The art of trimming and shaping trees and bushes into decorative shapes.
  99. Torch: A handheld light source consisting of a stick with a flame at one end.
  100. Torpedo: A self-propelled underwater missile.
  101. Tortilla: A thin, unleavened flatbread made from corn or wheat flour.
  102. Tortilla Chips: Triangular pieces of fried or baked tortilla, often served as a snack.
  103. Tortoise: A slow-moving land turtle.
  104. Tote: A large bag with parallel handles that typically has an open top.
  105. Totem Pole: A tall pole carved with symbolic figures representing a family or clan.
  106. Toucan: A brightly colored, large-billed bird found in Central and South America.
  107. Touchscreen: A display screen that responds to touch by a finger or stylus.
  108. Toupee: A wig worn by men to cover partial or complete baldness.
  109. Tow Truck: A vehicle equipped for towing other vehicles.
  110. Towel: A piece of absorbent fabric used for drying or wiping.
  111. Tower: A tall structure often used for observation, communication, or defense.
  112. Toxin: A poisonous substance produced by living organisms.
  113. Toy: An object for children to play with, typically a model or miniature representation of something.
  114. Toy Box: A container for storing toys.
  115. Tracker: A person or device that determines the current location of something or someone.
  116. Tractor: A powerful motor-driven vehicle used for pulling farm machinery.
  117. Trader: A person who buys and sells goods or assets for profit.
  118. Trail: A beaten path through rough country.
  119. Trailer: A vehicle towed by a car or truck and used to transport goods or passengers.
  120. Train: A connected series of railroad cars or carriages.
  121. Train Track: The pair of parallel rails on which trains run.
  122. Trampoline: A piece of equipment consisting of a strong fabric stretched over a steel frame used for jumping and tumbling exercises.
  123. Transmission: The mechanism in a vehicle that transmits power from the engine to the wheels.
  124. Trap: A device designed to catch and retain animals.
  125. Trapeze: An apparatus consisting typically of a horizontal bar hanging by two ropes, used by acrobats.
  126. Trapezoid: A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides.
  127. Trash: Waste material.
  128. Tray: A flat, shallow container used for serving or holding food.
  129. Treadmill: An exercise machine with a moving belt used for walking or running in place.
  130. Treasure: Valuable and precious possessions.
  131. Treasure Chest: A wooden chest or container used for keeping treasures and valuable items.
  132. Tree: A perennial plant with a trunk and branches.
  133. Tree House: A structure built among the branches of a tree, often used as a playhouse.
  134. Trench Coat: A long, loose-fitting coat typically made of waterproof fabric.
  135. Trestle: A supporting framework consisting of a horizontal beam supported by two pairs of sloping legs.
  136. Triangle (Geometrical Shape): A polygon with three sides and three angles.
  137. Triangle (Musical Instrument): A percussion instrument consisting of a metal rod bent into a triangle shape and struck with a metal beater.
  138. Tricycle: A three-wheeled vehicle typically used by children.
  139. Trident: A three-pronged spear.
  140. Trinket: A small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
  141. Trio: A group or set of three people or things.
  142. Troll: A mythical creature often depicted as either a giant or a dwarf that dwells in caves or mountains.
  143. Trolley: A small wheeled cart or basket typically used for transporting goods.
  144. Trombone: A brass musical instrument with a long slide for changing pitch.
  145. Trophy: A decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or achievement.
  146. Trout: A species of freshwater fish.
  147. Truck: A motor vehicle designed for transporting goods or people.
  148. Tub: A large, open container typically used for holding water.
  149. Tuba: A large brass musical instrument with a deep booming sound.
  150. Tube: A long, hollow cylinder or pipe.
  151. Tugboat: A small, powerful boat used for towing or pushing larger vessels.
  152. Tulip: A bulbous spring-flowering plant with a cup-shaped flower.
  153. Tuna: A large marine fish.
  154. Turbine: A machine that generates power through the action of a wheel or rotor turned by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, or air.
  155. Turkey: A large bird native to North America.
  156. Turnip: A round root vegetable from the cabbage family.
  157. Turnstile: A mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms, allowing one person at a time to pass through.
  158. Turntable: A revolving plate or platform used for rotating records in a record player.
  159. Turtle: A slow-moving reptile with a bony or leathery shell developed from their ribs.
  160. Tusk: A long, pointed tooth, usually one of a pair that protrudes from the mouth of certain animals, such as elephants.
  161. Tuxedo: A formal suit typically worn for evening events.
  162. Tweed: A rough-surfaced woollen cloth typically of mixed flecked colors.
  163. Tweezer: A small instrument with two short, close-fitting legs used for gripping or pulling small objects.
  164. Twinkle Lights: Decorative fairy lights that sparkle or blink intermittently.
  165. Two: The equivalent of the number 2.
  166. Typewriter: A machine for producing printed characters similar to a printer.
  167. Typhoon: A tropical cyclone or hurricane in the western Pacific Ocean.

Can you think of any other letter “T” words?  If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.

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Fantastic, Little Known, Cambridge Parks – 5 Things to Know About Dana Park (Includes a Petting Zoo and Drum Circle!)

Dana park is a great little park and over the summer they have events going on all the time to make the park even more fun.  It’s got a nice green spaces, two different playgrounds – one for kids above 4 years old and one for kids younger than 4, a sand pit with an small water spout in it that makes it irresistible to sand lovers, a basket ball court, and a splash pad.  If you’re looking for a park that has it all this makes for a great destination.

Fantastic, Little Known, Cambridge Parks - 5 Things to Know About Dana Park (Includes a Petting Zoo and Drum Circle!)

Things to Note:

Dana Park playground

1) Parking
There may be street parking available, but there is not a dedicated parking lot for this park.

2) Splash Pad
This is a great intermediate age splash pad. The splash pad isn’t huge, but there are a few different levels of fountains making it fun for both toddlers and older children.

3) Sand Water Feature
My son loves playing in the sand here more than he likes just about anything else at the park.  There is a tiny little water spout that pours into the sand with a button that is easy for little hands to push.  Also the sand box is always loaded with community toys so my son has a blast filling up the little buckets with water and walking them around to pour them elsewhere in the sand.

Dana Park splash pad

4) Summer Fun
During the summer there are constantly new great events going on in this park.  There is a weekly craft day in the morning.  Each week there is also a drum circle where someone brings a bunch of African drums, sets them up in a big circle and leads any children who are interested through a mini drum lesson.  We also enjoyed a free petting zoo and carnival this past summer.

5) Day Care
It seems like there are often day care children using this park in the morning during the summer and they tend to be older children using the bigger 4+ part of the playground.  We didn’t find them to be overwhelming, but then again we were using the part of the playground for the very young.  In any case all the day care children disappear around lunch time so if you’re concerned about crowd control consider planning your visit a little later in the morning.

Dana Park petting zoo

Summary & Rating ★★★★☆

Four Stars.  We have a ton of fun at this park, and it is obviously one of the more popular parks to attend during the summer.  It can sometimes be hard to find all the awesome events happening at the park over the summer but if you show up your bound to have a good time regardless.

Have you been here before?  If so I’d love to know more about your experience and any tips or tricks you have in the comments section below. 

Dana Park
Corporal McTernan and Lawrence Streets
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: 617.349.4640

Toddler A-Z – 150 Objects That Start with the Letter “S”

Big list of objects that start with letter S
A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on.  I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “S” letter objects them on hand.  If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “S” objects.
    1. Saddle: A seat for a rider on the back of an animal, especially a horse.
    2. Safety pin: A pin with a clasp, used for fastening things together.
    3. Sage: An aromatic plant with grayish-green leaves, used as a culinary herb and for medicinal purposes.
    4. Sailboat: A boat with sails, used for traveling on water.
    5. Salad: A dish consisting of a mixture of vegetables, usually served with a dressing.
    6. Salamander: A small amphibian with a lizard-like appearance and the ability to regenerate lost body parts.
    7. Salami: A type of sausage, usually made from pork or beef.
    8. Salmon: A large fish with pink flesh, commonly used as a food source.
    9. Salt: A crystalline mineral used to enhance the flavor of food.
    10. Salt shaker: A container with small holes used for sprinkling salt.
    11. Sand: Small grains of rock and mineral, commonly found on beaches and in deserts.
    12. Sandcastle: A model of a castle made out of sand.
    13. Sandals: Open-toed shoes that are typically worn in warm weather.
    14. Sandbag: A bag filled with sand, often used for protection against flooding or as a weight.
    15. Sandpaper: Rough paper used for smoothing or polishing surfaces.
    16. Sandpiper: A small shorebird with a thin bill and long legs, often found on sandy beaches.
    17. Sandwich: A food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with a filling between them.
    18. Sari: A traditional garment worn by women in India, consisting of a long piece of fabric wrapped around the body.
    19. Satellite: An object launched into space to orbit around a celestial body, usually for communication or observation purposes.
    20. Sauce: A thick liquid or semi-solid food served to add flavor to dishes.
    21. Sausage: A meat product made from ground meat, often seasoned and stuffed into a casing.
    22. Saw: A tool with a long, serrated blade used for cutting wood or other materials.
    23. Saxophone: A musical instrument in the woodwind family, typically made of brass with a curved shape.
    24. Scab: A crust that forms over a healing wound on the skin.
    25. Scale: A device or system used for measuring weight or determining size.
    26. Scales: Small, thin, overlapping plates on the skin of certain animals, such as fish or reptiles.
    27. Scarecrow: A figure made to resemble a human, often placed in fields to scare away birds.
    28. Scarf: A long piece of fabric worn around the neck or head for warmth or fashion.
    29. Scepter: An ornamental staff carried by a ruler or high-ranking individual as a symbol of power.
    30. Scissors: A cutting tool with two sharp blades hinged together in the middle.
    31. Scooter: A small, wheeled vehicle propelled by a foot-operated platform or motor.
    32. Scorpion: An arachnid with a venomous sting, typically found in dry regions.
    33. Screwdriver: A tool with a flat or Phillips head used for turning screws.
    34. Sculpture: A three-dimensional work of art made by carving or shaping materials such as stone, wood, or metal.
    35. Scythe: A long, curved blade with a handle, used for cutting grass or grain.
    36. Sea: A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth’s surface.
    37. Sea Shell: (Bag of mixed seashells for sea activity on Amazon) A hard outer covering of certain marine animals, often found on beaches.
    38. Sea Urchin: A spiny marine animal shaped like a globe, found in oceans.
    39. Seahorse: A small marine fish with a distinctive horse-like head and curled tail.
    40. Seal: A marine mammal with flippers and a streamlined body, adapted for life in the water.
    41. Seashore: The land along the edge of the sea or ocean.
    42. Seaweed: Marine algae that grows in bodies of saltwater.
    43. Seeds: The reproductive structure of a plant, from which new plants can grow.
    44. Segway: A self-balancing personal transportation device with two wheels.
    45. Seven: The number after six and before eight.
    46. Sewing machine: A machine with a needle and thread used for stitching fabric and other materials.
    47. Sewing needle: A slender, pointed tool used for sewing and mending.
    48. Shamrock: A clover plant with three leaves, regarded as a symbol of Ireland.
    49. Shark: A large predatory fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and multiple rows of sharp teeth.
    50. Sheep: A domesticated ruminant mammal commonly raised for its wool and meat.
    51. Shell: The hard outer covering of certain animals, such as a snail or clam.
    52. Shepherd: A person whose job is to take care of sheep.
    53. Shingle: A small, flat piece of wood or other material used for covering roofs or walls.
    54. Shirt: A garment worn on the upper body, typically with buttons down the front.
    55. Shoe: A covering for the foot, typically made of leather, fabric, or rubber.
    56. Shovel: A tool with a handle and scoop-shaped blade, used for digging or moving loose materials.
    57. Shrew: A small, insectivorous mammal with a long pointed snout.
    58. Silver: A chemical element with the symbol Ag and atomic number 47, often used in jewelry and currency.
    59. Silverware: Utensils made of or coated with silver used for eating or serving food.
    60. Sink: A fixed plumbing fixture with a basin and a faucet used for washing hands or dishes.
    61. Six: The number after five and before seven.
    62. Skate shoes: Shoes specifically designed for skateboarding or roller skating.
    63. Skateboard: A small board with four wheels used for skateboarding or cruising.
    64. Skates: Footwear with a metal blade or wheels used for gliding on ice or smooth surfaces.
    65. Skeleton: The internal framework of bones in humans or other vertebrates.
    66. Skipping rope: A long rope with handles on each end used for jumping or skipping.
    67. Skirt: A garment worn by women and girls that hangs down from the waist and covers the legs.
    68. Skunk: A small mammal known for its ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism.
    69. Skyscraper: A very tall building with multiple floors or levels.
    70. Sled: A vehicle typically used for sliding downhill over snow or ice.
    71. Sledgehammer: A large, heavy hammer with a long handle used for heavy-duty tasks.
    72. Slide: A smooth, inclined structure used for sliding down, often found on playgrounds.
    73. Slingshot: A Y-shaped device with an elastic band used for shooting small objects.
    74. Slinky: A toy consisting of a flexible, coiled metal spring that can “walk” down stairs or slopes.
    75. Slippers: A soft and comfortable indoor shoe, typically worn for relaxation or comfort.
    76. Sloth: A slow-moving, arboreal mammal found in the Americas, known for its slow metabolism and leisurely lifestyle.
    77. Smoke detector: A device that detects the presence of smoke, often found in homes or buildings for fire safety.
    78. Snack: A small portion of food eaten between meals.
    79. Snail: A slow-moving, land or water-dwelling mollusk with a spiral shell.
    80. Snake: A long, legless reptile that typically has a scaly skin and venomous fangs.
    81. Sneakers: Casual and comfortable athletic shoes or trainers.
    82. Snorkel: A breathing tube used while swimming or diving to stay underwater while still taking in air from above the surface.
    83. Snow: Frozen precipitation in the form of white ice crystals, often associated with winter.
    84. Snow Pea: (Link to snow pea seeds for planting activity) A type of edible podded pea that is harvested while still young, with flat, green pods and sweet peas inside.
    85. Snowman: A figure made of packed snow, typically resembling a person with buttons and a carrot for a nose.
    86. Soap: A substance used for washing or cleaning that comes in the form of a solid bar or liquid.
    87. Soap dispenser: A device that dispenses liquid soap or soap foam when activated, often found in public restrooms.
    88. Soccer ball: A round ball used in the sport of soccer or football.
    89. Sock: A covering for the foot, typically made of fabric and worn inside shoes.
    90. Sofa: A long upholstered seat with a back and arms, designed for sitting or lounging.
    91. Soil: The top layer of the earth’s surface, mainly composed of organic matter and minerals, used for growing plants.
    92. Solar panel: A device that converts sunlight into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.
    93. Songbird: A small or medium-sized bird known for its musical or melodic calls and songs.
    94. Sorrel: A perennial herb with acidic-tasting leaves often used in cooking or as a garnish.
    95. Soup: A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients, usually including meat, vegetables, and broth.
    96. Soy Bean: A type of legume that is the primary source of protein in many Asian diets, often used to make tofu and soy milk.
    97. Spaghetti: A type of long, thin pasta, typically served with sauce or as part of a dish.
    98. Spanner: A wrench or tool with a shaped or adjustable opening used for gripping and turning nuts or bolts.
    99. Sparrow: A small bird with brown, gray, or black feathers and a stout body, often found in urban environments.
    100. Spatula: A kitchen utensil with a broad, flat blade used for lifting or flipping food.
    101. Speakers: Devices that convert electrical signals into sound waves, often used for audio output in various devices.
    102. Spear: A long weapon typically used for thrusting or throwing, with a sharp pointed blade attached to a pole.
    103. Speedboat: A high-speed motorboat designed for fast travel on water.
    104. Sphinx: A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or animal, often found in ancient Egyptian art and architecture.
    105. Spider: Arachnids with eight legs and two body segments, known for spinning webs to catch prey.
    106. Spider web: A structure made by spiders out of silk for catching prey.
    107. Spinach: A leafy green vegetable that is high in nutrients.
    108. Spinning top: A toy that spins on its pointed end.
    109. Spinning Wheel: A device used for spinning fibers into thread or yarn.
    110. Sponge: A porous material used for cleaning or soaking up liquids.
    111. Spongebob Squarepants: A popular cartoon character and franchise.
    112. Spoon: A utensil with a small shallow bowl, used for eating or serving food.
    113. Sprinkles: Small decorative candies used to add color and flavor to desserts.
    114. Square: A four-sided polygon with equal sides and angles.
    115. Squash: A fruit that belongs to the gourd family, often used as a vegetable.
    116. Squirrel: A small mammal known for its bushy tail and ability to climb trees.
    117. Staircase: A set of steps that connects different levels or floors in a building.
    118. Stamp: A small adhesive label used for mailing or marking documents.
    119. Star: A luminous celestial body consisting of gas that emits light and heat.
    120. Starfish: A marine animal with five arms that resembles a star shape.
    121. Statue: A sculpture representing a person, animal, or object.
    122. Steamer: A device used for cooking food with steam.
    123. Steamroller: A heavy vehicle with a large roller used for smoothing roads.
    124. Stepladder: A folding ladder with horizontal steps.
    125. Stethoscope: A medical instrument used for listening to sounds inside the body.
    126. Stew: A dish made by simmering ingredients in liquid for a long time.
    127. Stick: A long, thin piece of wood or material often used as a tool or weapon.
    128. Stick Bug: An insect that resembles a twig or stick in appearance.
    129. Stomp rocket: A toy that launches foam or plastic rockets by stomping on an air bladder.
    130. Stool: A small seat without a back or arms.
    131. Stopwatch: A handheld device used for measuring elapsed time.
    132. Stork: A large wading bird with long legs and a long neck.
    133. Stove: An appliance used for cooking or heating.
    134. Strainer: A tool used for separating solids from liquids.
    135. Straw hat: A hat made of straw, often worn in hot weather.
    136. Strawberry: A single fruit from a strawberry plant.
    137. Street sign: A sign placed on streets or roads to provide information or directions.
    138. String: A thin cord or thread made of twisted fibers.
    139. String Beans: Long, slender green beans that are eaten as a vegetable.
    140. String instrument: A musical instrument that produces sound through vibrating strings.
    141. Stripes: Lines or bands of different colors or widths.
    142. Stroller: A device with wheels used for transporting babies or toddlers.
    143. Suit: A matching set of jacket and pants or skirt, often formal or business attire.
    144. Suitcase: A rectangular case used for carrying clothes and personal items while traveling.
    145. Sun: The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat.
    146. Sunflower: A tall plant with large golden-yellow flowers that turn towards the sun.
    147. Sunglasses: Protective eyewear that shields the eyes from sunlight.
    148. Sunscreen: A lotion or cream used to protect the skin from harmful UV rays.
    149. Surfboard: A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean.
    150. Swan: A large aquatic bird known for its elegance and grace.
    151. Sweater: A knitted garment worn on the upper body to provide warmth.
    152. Swimming Suit: A garment worn for swimming, typically consisting of a top and bottom.
    153. Swimsuit: An alternative term for a swimming suit, used mainly in certain regions.
    154. Swing set: A frame with swings attached for children to play on.
    155. Sword: A long-bladed weapon with a handle, used for cutting or thrusting.
    156. Swordfish: A large fish with a long bill resembling a sword.
    157. S’more: A sweet treat made with marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, often roasted over a fire.

Can you think of any other letter “S” words?  If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.

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Toddler Letters – “O” is for “Open”

Letter O Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft O is for Open with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Supplies Needed:

  • 2 Pieces of Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “O” Cutout
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors
  • Markers

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft O is for Open with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Set Up:

We started with a cut out letter “O” then I showed my son how to trace the inside of the “O” on another craft paper.  I cut out the inner “O” leaving a tab on the left side then my son helped me glue the tab to the “O” creating a door.  Then we glued the “O” to our craft paper being careful not to glue our door closed in the process.  When we were finished we colored inside our door so that we could open it and see our drawing or close it and hide them.

We finished by talking about why some things have doors.  Our fridge has a door to keep the cold air in so that our food stays good, our oven has a door so that we can cook food in it without making the whole house hot, our cupboards have doors to hide things in so we don’t have to see them, etc.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft O is for Open with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

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Touring Boston – What to Know About Visiting Castle Island

Because Boston is so far north a lot of the beaches have freezing cold water, even during the hottest summer months.  The water temperature doesn’t really matter if you just want some sandy space to layout in, but ice cold water is a lot less fun when you have young children who want to play in it, yet can hardly stand to keep their toes in the water.  Not that I blame them… we went to Revere Beach in late June and the water was so cold it was taking my breath away at calf deep.

Touring Boston - What to Know About Visiting Castle Island

We finally found a beach that works really well for both adults and children.  Castle Island (it’s no longer an actual island) is perfect!  There is free parking, a long winding beach, delicious food (see my post about Sullivan’s), a cool fort to walk around, lots of green space, a playground, and because the water here is in a bay, by mid summer the water is warm enough to actually get into.

We came enjoyed the fort and playground and ended up playing in the little beach near the playground.  It was shallow, warm and my son and I loved it!

Things to Note:

1) Transportation
Parking is free.  Castle Island is not super close to the “T” but there are bus lines that go to it. Also once you get there parking runs right along the ocean or if you end up parking in the lot it’s a short walking (minutes) to the fort or playground.

Fort Independence - touring Castle Island with kids

2) Water
The water here is in a big bay and tends to be a fair amount warmer that most of the other beaches in the area.  However like most of the other beaches around here the shells and rocks right at the shoreline are super rough and if you actually want to get into the water you and your kids will probably want water shoes.  I feel like I have fairly tough feet and I can hardly make it to swimming level.  Also there are pretty much no waves here, which is great for kids but lame for body surfing or boogie boarding.

3) Food
The only vendor really close to the water is Sullivan’s.  They sell classic American fair, hamburgers, hotdogs and the like at a fair price and they are delicious!  Also they are not open during the winter.

4) Fort
Fort Independence is a great big pentagon shaped fort with an awesome walking path around it.  It’s open from Memorial Day to Columbus Day for both guided and self guided tours. Note that guided tours are only available on the weekends.

5) Bathrooms
Yes, there are bathrooms on Castle Island with running water and flushing toilets.  The first few times I went all I saw were port-a-potties and I was not impressed.  Then I realized the actual bathroom are close the playground and they are much nicer and cleaner.

Summary and Rating ★★★★★

Five Stars.  I think this is a great beach and it’s half way between a commercial and a rural beach.  Castle Island is a state park, but you still have the benefit of being close to the city and having a food option near you.  I love that the water is a little bit warmer here and that there are so many things to do in addition to going to the beach (which is my main drive)  the park is a blast and walking around the fort is really interesting with a great view.  Also you can’t complain about free parking!

Have you been here before?  If so I’d love to know more about your experience and any tips or tricks you have in the comments section below. 

Castle Island
Castle Island
Boston, MA 02127

Phone: 617-727-5290