“B” is for “Book” Letter Craft

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Letter B Craft - Toddler Preschooler letter of the week, letter B is for book, unique letter

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Supplies Needed:

Toddler Preschooler letter of the week, letter B is for book, unique letter

Set Up:

I started by cutting out a letter “B” for each of the kids, then I took three plain white sheets of paper per person and cut them in the basic shape of the “B” without cutting out the two holes in the capitol letter “B”.  Then I glued the white sheets of paper together along the “spine” of the “B” and finished by glueing my cutout to the top of my stack of white papers.  When it dried I was able to fold up the pages and make the “B” into a book.

The toddlers took their time decorating each of the pages within the “B”, with older kids I’m sure that they could do the tracing/cutting/gluing themselves. 🙂

We finished our activity by having everyone bring their favorite book and reading them out loud together.

Toddler Preschooler letter of the week, letter B is for book, unique letter

Fruits and Vegetables that Start with “B”

  • Banana
  • Bean
  • Beet
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

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Click to Tweet: Teaching the alphabet? Check out this great “B” is for “Book” craft! http://bit.ly/1T2B0V0 #AlphabetCraft #LearningLetters

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