Easy, Fun, Low Prep Games and Activity Ideas for Learning About Letter B

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Easy, Low Prep Learning Letter B Preschool Movement Activities


Easy Letter B Game Ideas

I’ve taken a few days to think of easy games to go along with learning Letter B, and now that I’ve had a chance to play them with my preschooler I’ve realized that my #boymom badge might be showing with these game ideas.  My sons were thrilled with them, especially the box bulldozing, but I also added a lower chaos variation because I know boxes flying through the house might not be a great fit for everyone. In any case, all of these were super easy to get going, hopefully using items found around your house, and my sons loved them. Without further ado, Easy Prep Letter B Activities and Games.

Letter B Learn Games - Barnyard BowlingBarnyard Bowling (or Bottle Bowling)

For our first game we played barnyard bowling (bottle bowling is just as fun).

Supplies Needed:

  • Barnyard Animal or Empty Water Bottlers (If you want the animals I have them for sale in my Etsy shop here)
  • A ball of some sort, really any sort.

Barnyard Animals Bowling - Learning Letter B GamesSet Up:

Print out the barnyard animals on stiff cardstock, cut them out, and fold the flap under.  If you need extra weight in the back you can add a paperclip or glue a coin to the fold to help them stand upright better.

Line up the animals or empty water bottles (full water bottles are hard to knock over) at the end of a

coffee table or on the floor, and roll a ball into them.


Water Bottle Bowling


If you are playing with more than one young child consider give each child a single animal or water bottle and having them all roll and play at the same time.



Box Bulldozing

Learning Letter B Preschool Movement Activity - Box Bulldozing Supplies Need:

  • Randoms Assortment of Packing Boxes
  • Printed Out Letter B’s and b’s (I’d suggest using different fonts for each B… you can also draw the letter on the box)
  • Rope
  • Largish Ball
  • Painters Tape (Optional)

Set Up:

Tape one of your printed letter “B’s” to each of the boxes.  Having B’s printed out with different fonts helps children recognize that B’s and b’s can look different ways even when it’s the same letter so if you have the option of using multiple fonts I would suggest it.

Tie the rope around the ball.  I used tape to secure it after I’d tied it so the rope wouldn’t slip.

Then, using painters tape, tape the ball to a doorframe or overhanging wall.  (Or if you are playing with bigger/rougher kids, consider going outside and tying it to a tree branch or play set) … Alternatively see the activity below which is a milder version of this game.

Stack the boxes up with the letter B’s and let the children pull back the ball and knock them over bulldozer style with the hanging ball.

My boys loved this one and played it for ages, they even liked stacking up the big boxes in different patterns like building blocks, and in the end they liked standing them up and running into them with their bodies…



Block Bulldozing

Learning Letter B Preschool Movement Activity - Block BulldozingA milder, but still really fun version of the game above is block bulldozing.

Supplies Needed:

  • Blocks (or board books)
  • Two Chairs
  • String
  • A ball
  • A rod of some sort, broom handle, PVC pipe, dowel etc.

Set up:

Learning Letter B Preschool Movement Activity - Box BulldozingPut your two chairs so the backs are facing each other, with a couple feet of space between them.

Tie your string to your ball, then attach the rod to the top of your chairs (you made need some tape for this) and tie the string into the middle of your rod.

Build your block tower below the chair, then pull back the ball and enjoy knocking them over.


Letter B Bubbles:

Supplies Need:

  • Bubble Sauce (what we call the bubble liquid)
  • Bubble Blower or Pipe Cleaners

Learning Letter B Preschool Movement Activity - Bubbles Set Up:

Cut out a big letter B and tape it to the front of your bubble blower, then let the bubbles flow.


Twist your pipe cleaners into “B” Shapes, and give each child a small container of bubbles and let them go nuts. If you don’t have bubbles and want to go this route I usually look for the tiny bubble bottles (so I have less to clean up with spills) that they use for weddings and the like.


And just like that you’ve got some great, easy, Letter B activities to get wiggles out.

If you have suggestions or idea for more activities I’d love to hear them, please leave me a comment below.

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