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A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on. I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “S” letter objects them on hand. If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “S” objects.
- Saddle: A seat for a rider on the back of an animal, especially a horse.
- Safety pin: A pin with a clasp, used for fastening things together.
- Sage: An aromatic plant with grayish-green leaves, used as a culinary herb and for medicinal purposes.
- Sailboat: A boat with sails, used for traveling on water.
- Salad: A dish consisting of a mixture of vegetables, usually served with a dressing.
- Salamander: A small amphibian with a lizard-like appearance and the ability to regenerate lost body parts.
- Salami: A type of sausage, usually made from pork or beef.
- Salmon: A large fish with pink flesh, commonly used as a food source.
- Salt: A crystalline mineral used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Salt shaker: A container with small holes used for sprinkling salt.
- Sand: Small grains of rock and mineral, commonly found on beaches and in deserts.
- Sandcastle: A model of a castle made out of sand.
- Sandals: Open-toed shoes that are typically worn in warm weather.
- Sandbag: A bag filled with sand, often used for protection against flooding or as a weight.
- Sandpaper: Rough paper used for smoothing or polishing surfaces.
- Sandpiper: A small shorebird with a thin bill and long legs, often found on sandy beaches.
- Sandwich: A food item consisting of two or more slices of bread with a filling between them.
- Sari: A traditional garment worn by women in India, consisting of a long piece of fabric wrapped around the body.
- Satellite: An object launched into space to orbit around a celestial body, usually for communication or observation purposes.
- Sauce: A thick liquid or semi-solid food served to add flavor to dishes.
- Sausage: A meat product made from ground meat, often seasoned and stuffed into a casing.
- Saw: A tool with a long, serrated blade used for cutting wood or other materials.
- Saxophone: A musical instrument in the woodwind family, typically made of brass with a curved shape.
- Scab: A crust that forms over a healing wound on the skin.
- Scale: A device or system used for measuring weight or determining size.
- Scales: Small, thin, overlapping plates on the skin of certain animals, such as fish or reptiles.
- Scarecrow: A figure made to resemble a human, often placed in fields to scare away birds.
- Scarf: A long piece of fabric worn around the neck or head for warmth or fashion.
- Scepter: An ornamental staff carried by a ruler or high-ranking individual as a symbol of power.
- Scissors: A cutting tool with two sharp blades hinged together in the middle.
- Scooter: A small, wheeled vehicle propelled by a foot-operated platform or motor.
- Scorpion: An arachnid with a venomous sting, typically found in dry regions.
- Screwdriver: A tool with a flat or Phillips head used for turning screws.
- Sculpture: A three-dimensional work of art made by carving or shaping materials such as stone, wood, or metal.
- Scythe: A long, curved blade with a handle, used for cutting grass or grain.
- Sea: A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth’s surface.
- Sea Shell: (Bag of mixed seashells for sea activity on Amazon) A hard outer covering of certain marine animals, often found on beaches.
- Sea Urchin: A spiny marine animal shaped like a globe, found in oceans.
- Seahorse: A small marine fish with a distinctive horse-like head and curled tail.
- Seal: A marine mammal with flippers and a streamlined body, adapted for life in the water.
- Seashore: The land along the edge of the sea or ocean.
- Seaweed: Marine algae that grows in bodies of saltwater.
- Seeds: The reproductive structure of a plant, from which new plants can grow.
- Segway: A self-balancing personal transportation device with two wheels.
- Seven: The number after six and before eight.
- Sewing machine: A machine with a needle and thread used for stitching fabric and other materials.
- Sewing needle: A slender, pointed tool used for sewing and mending.
- Shamrock: A clover plant with three leaves, regarded as a symbol of Ireland.
- Shark: A large predatory fish with a cartilaginous skeleton and multiple rows of sharp teeth.
- Sheep: A domesticated ruminant mammal commonly raised for its wool and meat.
- Shell: The hard outer covering of certain animals, such as a snail or clam.
- Shepherd: A person whose job is to take care of sheep.
- Shingle: A small, flat piece of wood or other material used for covering roofs or walls.
- Shirt: A garment worn on the upper body, typically with buttons down the front.
- Shoe: A covering for the foot, typically made of leather, fabric, or rubber.
- Shovel: A tool with a handle and scoop-shaped blade, used for digging or moving loose materials.
- Shrew: A small, insectivorous mammal with a long pointed snout.
- Silver: A chemical element with the symbol Ag and atomic number 47, often used in jewelry and currency.
- Silverware: Utensils made of or coated with silver used for eating or serving food.
- Sink: A fixed plumbing fixture with a basin and a faucet used for washing hands or dishes.
- Six: The number after five and before seven.
- Skate shoes: Shoes specifically designed for skateboarding or roller skating.
- Skateboard: A small board with four wheels used for skateboarding or cruising.
- Skates: Footwear with a metal blade or wheels used for gliding on ice or smooth surfaces.
- Skeleton: The internal framework of bones in humans or other vertebrates.
- Skipping rope: A long rope with handles on each end used for jumping or skipping.
- Skirt: A garment worn by women and girls that hangs down from the waist and covers the legs.
- Skunk: A small mammal known for its ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism.
- Skyscraper: A very tall building with multiple floors or levels.
- Sled: A vehicle typically used for sliding downhill over snow or ice.
- Sledgehammer: A large, heavy hammer with a long handle used for heavy-duty tasks.
- Slide: A smooth, inclined structure used for sliding down, often found on playgrounds.
- Slingshot: A Y-shaped device with an elastic band used for shooting small objects.
- Slinky: A toy consisting of a flexible, coiled metal spring that can “walk” down stairs or slopes.
- Slippers: A soft and comfortable indoor shoe, typically worn for relaxation or comfort.
- Sloth: A slow-moving, arboreal mammal found in the Americas, known for its slow metabolism and leisurely lifestyle.
- Smoke detector: A device that detects the presence of smoke, often found in homes or buildings for fire safety.
- Snack: A small portion of food eaten between meals.
- Snail: A slow-moving, land or water-dwelling mollusk with a spiral shell.
- Snake: A long, legless reptile that typically has a scaly skin and venomous fangs.
- Sneakers: Casual and comfortable athletic shoes or trainers.
- Snorkel: A breathing tube used while swimming or diving to stay underwater while still taking in air from above the surface.
- Snow: Frozen precipitation in the form of white ice crystals, often associated with winter.
- Snow Pea: (Link to snow pea seeds for planting activity) A type of edible podded pea that is harvested while still young, with flat, green pods and sweet peas inside.
- Snowman: A figure made of packed snow, typically resembling a person with buttons and a carrot for a nose.
- Soap: A substance used for washing or cleaning that comes in the form of a solid bar or liquid.
- Soap dispenser: A device that dispenses liquid soap or soap foam when activated, often found in public restrooms.
- Soccer ball: A round ball used in the sport of soccer or football.
- Sock: A covering for the foot, typically made of fabric and worn inside shoes.
- Sofa: A long upholstered seat with a back and arms, designed for sitting or lounging.
- Soil: The top layer of the earth’s surface, mainly composed of organic matter and minerals, used for growing plants.
- Solar panel: A device that converts sunlight into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.
- Songbird: A small or medium-sized bird known for its musical or melodic calls and songs.
- Sorrel: A perennial herb with acidic-tasting leaves often used in cooking or as a garnish.
- Soup: A liquid dish made by boiling ingredients, usually including meat, vegetables, and broth.
- Soy Bean: A type of legume that is the primary source of protein in many Asian diets, often used to make tofu and soy milk.
- Spaghetti: A type of long, thin pasta, typically served with sauce or as part of a dish.
- Spanner: A wrench or tool with a shaped or adjustable opening used for gripping and turning nuts or bolts.
- Sparrow: A small bird with brown, gray, or black feathers and a stout body, often found in urban environments.
- Spatula: A kitchen utensil with a broad, flat blade used for lifting or flipping food.
- Speakers: Devices that convert electrical signals into sound waves, often used for audio output in various devices.
- Spear: A long weapon typically used for thrusting or throwing, with a sharp pointed blade attached to a pole.
- Speedboat: A high-speed motorboat designed for fast travel on water.
- Sphinx: A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or animal, often found in ancient Egyptian art and architecture.
- Spider: Arachnids with eight legs and two body segments, known for spinning webs to catch prey.
- Spider web: A structure made by spiders out of silk for catching prey.
- Spinach: A leafy green vegetable that is high in nutrients.
- Spinning top: A toy that spins on its pointed end.
- Spinning Wheel: A device used for spinning fibers into thread or yarn.
- Sponge: A porous material used for cleaning or soaking up liquids.
- Spongebob Squarepants: A popular cartoon character and franchise.
- Spoon: A utensil with a small shallow bowl, used for eating or serving food.
- Sprinkles: Small decorative candies used to add color and flavor to desserts.
- Square: A four-sided polygon with equal sides and angles.
- Squash: A fruit that belongs to the gourd family, often used as a vegetable.
- Squirrel: A small mammal known for its bushy tail and ability to climb trees.
- Staircase: A set of steps that connects different levels or floors in a building.
- Stamp: A small adhesive label used for mailing or marking documents.
- Star: A luminous celestial body consisting of gas that emits light and heat.
- Starfish: A marine animal with five arms that resembles a star shape.
- Statue: A sculpture representing a person, animal, or object.
- Steamer: A device used for cooking food with steam.
- Steamroller: A heavy vehicle with a large roller used for smoothing roads.
- Stepladder: A folding ladder with horizontal steps.
- Stethoscope: A medical instrument used for listening to sounds inside the body.
- Stew: A dish made by simmering ingredients in liquid for a long time.
- Stick: A long, thin piece of wood or material often used as a tool or weapon.
- Stick Bug: An insect that resembles a twig or stick in appearance.
- Stomp rocket: A toy that launches foam or plastic rockets by stomping on an air bladder.
- Stool: A small seat without a back or arms.
- Stopwatch: A handheld device used for measuring elapsed time.
- Stork: A large wading bird with long legs and a long neck.
- Stove: An appliance used for cooking or heating.
- Strainer: A tool used for separating solids from liquids.
- Straw hat: A hat made of straw, often worn in hot weather.
- Strawberry: A single fruit from a strawberry plant.
- Street sign: A sign placed on streets or roads to provide information or directions.
- String: A thin cord or thread made of twisted fibers.
- String Beans: Long, slender green beans that are eaten as a vegetable.
- String instrument: A musical instrument that produces sound through vibrating strings.
- Stripes: Lines or bands of different colors or widths.
- Stroller: A device with wheels used for transporting babies or toddlers.
- Suit: A matching set of jacket and pants or skirt, often formal or business attire.
- Suitcase: A rectangular case used for carrying clothes and personal items while traveling.
- Sun: The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat.
- Sunflower: A tall plant with large golden-yellow flowers that turn towards the sun.
- Sunglasses: Protective eyewear that shields the eyes from sunlight.
- Sunscreen: A lotion or cream used to protect the skin from harmful UV rays.
- Surfboard: A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean.
- Swan: A large aquatic bird known for its elegance and grace.
- Sweater: A knitted garment worn on the upper body to provide warmth.
- Swimming Suit: A garment worn for swimming, typically consisting of a top and bottom.
- Swimsuit: An alternative term for a swimming suit, used mainly in certain regions.
- Swing set: A frame with swings attached for children to play on.
- Sword: A long-bladed weapon with a handle, used for cutting or thrusting.
- Swordfish: A large fish with a long bill resembling a sword.
- S’more: A sweet treat made with marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, often roasted over a fire.
Can you think of any other letter “S” words? If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.
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- Letters A-Z Resource Page
I love this, so thoughtful of you
I’m glad you found it useful. Thank you so much 🙂
Thank you i needed help finding things that start with s