Toddler Letters – “P” is for “Pom Pom”

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Letter P Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft P is for Pom Pom with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.


Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft P is for Pom Pom with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Supplies Needed:

  • Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “P” Cutout
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colored Pom Poms
  • Markers

Set Up:

We stared by adding glue to our letter “P”. I let my son add his own glue and he was very careful to trace his P, then he grabbed handfuls of Pom Poms to cover his glue.  Since we were running out of Pom Poms by the time was son was done I ended up being a little more conservative and just doing dots of glue where I wanted Pom Poms added.  If you want to control or limit the amount of Pom Poms being used I would suggest going the glue dot route and letting your child add one Pom Pom per glue dot.  We let our glue dry then shook our P a little to dislodge any loose Pom Poms before gluing our P down to our craft paper.

We finished by talking about different things that are circle. (Balls, cups, clocks, apples, pizza, wheels, etc.)

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft P is for Pom Pom with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

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