Easy “Press Here” Book and Craft Ideas

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Press Here Book and Bin Easy Fun Activity Ideas

Hey there fellow caregivers and parents of preschoolers and homeschoolers!

I wanted to share with you a fun and educational activity that my son absolutely loved, inspired by the book “Press Here“. If you haven’t heard of this book, it’s a super interactive and engaging book that invites children to press, shake, and tilt the book to watch the dots change and move.

Press Here Book and Bin Easy Fun Activity Book Matching

Press Here Book and Bin Easy Fun Activity Book Matching

Press Here Book and Bin Easy Fun Activity Ideas - Blowing Tissue Paper

For our activity, we decided to gather some supplies like a straw, a sensory bin, and some tissue paper circles in red, blue, and yellow (we found tissue paper confetti and picked out the colors that matched the book). Then, we placed the tissue paper circles in the sensory bin and went through the book page by page while my son match up the confetti to the layout of the dots on the different pages of “Press Here”, or tipped the box with the confetti and watched it fall to the sides, but his favorite for sure was blowing the tissue paper circles around with his breath and a straw, and seeing them move in real life just like the dots did in the book!

Press Here Book and Bin Easy Fun Activity Black Paper Art

For our second activity, we got a sheet of black paper and my son glued down the tissue paper circles to create his own piece of art making fun designs like on the black pages in the book. It was a great way for him to express his creativity and make a connection to the book in a hands-on way.

Overall, this book and activity combo was a hit in our house and I highly recommend giving it a try with your little ones. It’s a fun way to bring a book to life and get them engaged in reading and art at the same time.

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy this activity as much as we did! Happy reading and creating!


What is your favorite part of this activity or what book should I do next? Leave me ideas in the comments 🙂