A group of my friends started doing something we are calling Toddler Time and each week we choose a letter to focus on. I realized that finding objects that start with the letter of the week can be a challenge and I thought it might be helpful to have a long list of “T” letter objects them on hand. If I’ve missed something drop me a note in the comments, I would be thrilled to add even more letter “T” objects.
- T-Shirt: A lightweight shirt with short sleeves and typically a round neckline.
- Tabasco Sauce: A brand of hot sauce made from tabasco peppers, vinegar, and salt.
- Tabernacle: A fixed or movable habitation, typically of light construction.
- Table: A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used to hold items.
- Table Mat: A small mat placed on a table to protect the surface or enhance the table’s appearance.
- Tablet: A small, flat surface with writing or images inscribed for communication or decoration.
- Tabloid: A newspaper with compact pages, typically with sensationalist content.
- Tack: A small, sharp nail used to fasten items together.
- Tackle: Equipment or gear used in a particular activity or sport.
- Tacos: A Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla filled with various ingredients.
- Tadpole: The aquatic larva of a frog or toad.
- Taffeta: A crisp, smooth fabric with a lustrous surface.
- Taffy: A chewy candy made from sugar or molasses.
- Tag: A label or piece of paper attached to an item for identification.
- Tail: The rear part of an animal’s body, usually extending beyond the trunk or main part.
- Tailgate: A hinged door at the back of a truck or car that can be lowered for loading or unloading.
- Tailor: A person who makes, repairs, or alters clothes professionally.
- Talon: A hooked claw, especially of a bird or prey.
- Tambour: A traditional drum-like musical instrument.
- Tambourine: A percussion instrument consisting of a small drum with metal disks attached.
- Tangerine: A type of citrus fruit similar to an orange but smaller.
- Tank: A large receptacle or container for holding liquid or gas.
- Tap: A device for controlling the flow of liquids or gases.
- Tape: A long, narrow strip of material used for binding or fastening items together.
- Tape Recorder: An electronic device used to record audio onto magnetic tape.
- Tapioca: A starchy substance extracted from cassava roots and used in cooking.
- Tapioca Pudding: A dessert made from tapioca pearls cooked in milk and sweetened.
- Tar: A dark, thick, oily substance derived from coal or wood.
- Tarantula: A large, hairy spider found in warm regions.
- Target: An object or goal aimed at or desired.
- Tarmac: A type of road surface made from crushed stone mixed with tar.
- Tarts: Small pastries with fruit or sweet fillings.
- Tassel: A hanging ornament made of threads or cords.
- Taxi: A vehicle used to transport passengers for a fee.
- Tea: A hot drink made from the processed leaves of tea plants.
- Tea Cup: A small cup used for drinking tea.
- Teakettle: A kettle used for boiling water for tea.
- Teapot: A vessel with a spout and handle used for making and serving tea.
- Tear: A drop of saline fluid secreted by the eye.
- Technician: A person skilled in the use of technology or equipment.
- Teddy Bear: A stuffed toy bear, often used as a children’s toy.
- Tee: A short, typically casual t-shirt.
- Teeth: Hard, white structures found in the mouth that are used for biting and chewing food.
- Telegraph: A system for transmitting messages over long distances via electrical signals.
- Telephone: A device used for transmitting sound over distance using electrical signals.
- Telescope: An optical instrument used to view distant objects.
- Television: A device used for viewing broadcast programs on a screen.
- Tennis Player: A sport played by a person on a rectangular court in which a ball is hit back and forth over a net.
- Tennis Ball: A ball used in the sport of tennis.
- Tennis Court: The specially marked and constructed area for playing tennis.
- Tennis Racket: The equipment used to hit the ball in the sport of tennis.
- Tennis Shoes: Footwear designed for playing tennis, typically with rubber soles.
- Tent: A portable shelter made of fabric or other materials supported by poles.
- Tepee: A conical tent traditionally used by Native American tribes.
- Termite: A small insect that feeds on wood and can cause damage to wooden structures.
- Test Tube: A transparent tube used in scientific experiments.
- Textbook: A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.
- Therapist: A person trained in therapy or counseling.
- Thermometer: A tool used to measure temperature.
- Thermos: A container used to keep liquids hot or cold for an extended period of time.
- Thermostat: A device that regulates temperature in a system, typically for heating or cooling.
- Thimble: A small protective cap worn on the finger while sewing.
- Thistle: A prickly plant with pink or purple flowers.
- Thorn: A sharp-pointed spine on a plant.
- Thread: A long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving.
- Threatre: A place for performances such as plays, musicals, and other dramatic productions.
- Three: The number after two and before four.
- Thresher: A farm machine used for separating grain from stalks.
- Thyme: An aromatic herb used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.
- Tide: The rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun.
- Tie: A piece of fabric worn around the neck as decoration or to hold a collar closed.
- Tiger: A large carnivorous cat with a striped coat.
- Tiller: A lever used to control the direction of a boat or ship.
- Timber: Wood used for building or fuel.
- Timer: A device used to measure time intervals.
- Tin: A metallic element often used in alloys.
- Tin Can: A container, typically cylindrical, made of tinplate or other metal.
- Tinsel: Shiny strips of material used for decoration.
- Tiramisu: An Italian dessert made of layers of espresso-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese.
- Tire: A rubber covering for a wheel.
- Tissue: A soft, thin piece of paper used for cleaning or drying.
- Toad: An amphibian similar to a frog but with dry, warty skin.
- Toast: Sliced bread that has been browned by exposure to heat.
- Toes: The digits on the end of a foot.
- Toffee: A confection made by caramelizing sugar and butter and sometimes adding nuts.
- Tofu: A soy-based food product made by curdling fresh soy milk and pressing it into blocks.
- Toggle: An object used as a fastener, consisting of a bar that fits into a loop or hole.
- Toilet Paper: Paper used for personal hygiene after using the restroom.
- Tomatoes: Red or yellow fruit with a juicy pulp, commonly used in cooking.
- Tongs: A tool consisting of a long handle with two hinged gripping arms, used for lifting and moving objects.
- Tongue: The muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing, and speaking.
- Tool Case: A container for storing and transporting tools.
- Toolbox: A box or container used for storing tools.
- Tooth: A hard structure in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
- Tooth Brush: A tool used for cleaning teeth, typically with bristles and a handle.
- Top: The highest part of something.
- Top Hats: Tall, formal hats worn on special occasions.
- Topiary: The art of trimming and shaping trees and bushes into decorative shapes.
- Torch: A handheld light source consisting of a stick with a flame at one end.
- Torpedo: A self-propelled underwater missile.
- Tortilla: A thin, unleavened flatbread made from corn or wheat flour.
- Tortilla Chips: Triangular pieces of fried or baked tortilla, often served as a snack.
- Tortoise: A slow-moving land turtle.
- Tote: A large bag with parallel handles that typically has an open top.
- Totem Pole: A tall pole carved with symbolic figures representing a family or clan.
- Toucan: A brightly colored, large-billed bird found in Central and South America.
- Touchscreen: A display screen that responds to touch by a finger or stylus.
- Toupee: A wig worn by men to cover partial or complete baldness.
- Tow Truck: A vehicle equipped for towing other vehicles.
- Towel: A piece of absorbent fabric used for drying or wiping.
- Tower: A tall structure often used for observation, communication, or defense.
- Toxin: A poisonous substance produced by living organisms.
- Toy: An object for children to play with, typically a model or miniature representation of something.
- Toy Box: A container for storing toys.
- Tracker: A person or device that determines the current location of something or someone.
- Tractor: A powerful motor-driven vehicle used for pulling farm machinery.
- Trader: A person who buys and sells goods or assets for profit.
- Trail: A beaten path through rough country.
- Trailer: A vehicle towed by a car or truck and used to transport goods or passengers.
- Train: A connected series of railroad cars or carriages.
- Train Track: The pair of parallel rails on which trains run.
- Trampoline: A piece of equipment consisting of a strong fabric stretched over a steel frame used for jumping and tumbling exercises.
- Transmission: The mechanism in a vehicle that transmits power from the engine to the wheels.
- Trap: A device designed to catch and retain animals.
- Trapeze: An apparatus consisting typically of a horizontal bar hanging by two ropes, used by acrobats.
- Trapezoid: A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides.
- Trash: Waste material.
- Tray: A flat, shallow container used for serving or holding food.
- Treadmill: An exercise machine with a moving belt used for walking or running in place.
- Treasure: Valuable and precious possessions.
- Treasure Chest: A wooden chest or container used for keeping treasures and valuable items.
- Tree: A perennial plant with a trunk and branches.
- Tree House: A structure built among the branches of a tree, often used as a playhouse.
- Trench Coat: A long, loose-fitting coat typically made of waterproof fabric.
- Trestle: A supporting framework consisting of a horizontal beam supported by two pairs of sloping legs.
- Triangle (Geometrical Shape): A polygon with three sides and three angles.
- Triangle (Musical Instrument): A percussion instrument consisting of a metal rod bent into a triangle shape and struck with a metal beater.
- Tricycle: A three-wheeled vehicle typically used by children.
- Trident: A three-pronged spear.
- Trinket: A small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.
- Trio: A group or set of three people or things.
- Troll: A mythical creature often depicted as either a giant or a dwarf that dwells in caves or mountains.
- Trolley: A small wheeled cart or basket typically used for transporting goods.
- Trombone: A brass musical instrument with a long slide for changing pitch.
- Trophy: A decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or achievement.
- Trout: A species of freshwater fish.
- Truck: A motor vehicle designed for transporting goods or people.
- Tub: A large, open container typically used for holding water.
- Tuba: A large brass musical instrument with a deep booming sound.
- Tube: A long, hollow cylinder or pipe.
- Tugboat: A small, powerful boat used for towing or pushing larger vessels.
- Tulip: A bulbous spring-flowering plant with a cup-shaped flower.
- Tuna: A large marine fish.
- Turbine: A machine that generates power through the action of a wheel or rotor turned by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, or air.
- Turkey: A large bird native to North America.
- Turnip: A round root vegetable from the cabbage family.
- Turnstile: A mechanical gate consisting of revolving horizontal arms, allowing one person at a time to pass through.
- Turntable: A revolving plate or platform used for rotating records in a record player.
- Turtle: A slow-moving reptile with a bony or leathery shell developed from their ribs.
- Tusk: A long, pointed tooth, usually one of a pair that protrudes from the mouth of certain animals, such as elephants.
- Tuxedo: A formal suit typically worn for evening events.
- Tweed: A rough-surfaced woollen cloth typically of mixed flecked colors.
- Tweezer: A small instrument with two short, close-fitting legs used for gripping or pulling small objects.
- Twinkle Lights: Decorative fairy lights that sparkle or blink intermittently.
- Two: The equivalent of the number 2.
- Typewriter: A machine for producing printed characters similar to a printer.
- Typhoon: A tropical cyclone or hurricane in the western Pacific Ocean.
Can you think of any other letter “T” words? If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.
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