When looking for easy, kid friendly Letter Z foods I leaned hard into the zebra striping, gums, cakes, popcorn… I was down for all the zebra stripes. My kids were not thrilled about the zucchine, it’s one of my favorite vegetables, and they’ve had it enough to know it’s not their top choice for a snack, but the Zbars, Zoo Animal Crackers, and Zesty crackers were all a hit.
I’m sure I missed a few great Letter Z foods, and if you notice that I have please comment below and I’ll be sure to get them added 🙂
I’ve got the full list of 60 Letter Z Food first, but after that I’ve sorted the foods into types and if you want you can just pop to those sections. The types are:
• Fruits and Vegetables that Start with Z
• Sweets and Treats that Start with Z
• Meals and Snacks That Start with Z
List of 60 Foods That Start With Letter Z
- Coke Zero: A zero-sugar, zero-calorie cola beverage by Coca-Cola.
- Gatorade Zero: A non-caloric hydration beverage by Gatorade with electrolytes.
- Sprite Zero: A zero-sugar, zero-calorie lemon-lime soda made by Coca-Cola.
- Za’atar Spice Blend: A Middle Eastern blend of spices typically made with dried thyme, sumac, and sesame seeds.
- Zabaione: A light, foamy Italian dessert made from yolks, sugar, and sweet wine, typically Marsala.
- Zachary Fruit Slices Candy: A type of candy that mimics the taste and shape of various fruits.
- Zagnut Candy Bars: A type of candy bar consisting of a peanut butter and toasted coconut center coated in chocolate.
- Zaletti Cookies: Traditional Italian cookies made from cornmeal and studded with raisins.
- Zambos Plantain Chips: A snack food produced in Honduras, made by frying slices of plantain.
- Zante Currants: Small, dried black Corinth grapes often used in baking.
- Zapps Potato Chips: A brand of kettle-cooked potato chips known for their unique flavors.
- Zarangollo: A traditional Spanish dish often made with zucchini, onion, and egg.
- Zarzuela: A type of Spanish seafood stew cooked with a variety of different seafood.
- Zatarains Rice: A line of rice-based food products produced by Zatarain’s, a New Orleans-based food company.
- Zbar: A brand of organic, whole grain energy bars designed for children.
- Zbiranka Soup: A traditional Ukrainian soup made with meat, vegetables, and various spices.
- Zebra Cake Ice Cream: A type of ice cream flavored to taste like Zebra Cakes, a product of the Little Debbie brand.
- Zebra Cakes: A type of snack cake by Little Debbie, featuring a yellow cake with cream filling and a white icing with a zebra stripe pattern.
- Zebra Donuts: Doughnuts with a zebra-stripe pattern, typically achieved by drizzling dark and white chocolate over the top.
- Zebra Macarons: French macarons with distinctive black and white stripes reminiscent of a zebra.
- Zebra Popcorn: Popcorn coated with both dark and white confectionery, giving it a striped appearance.
- Zebra Rolls: A type of bread roll patterned with dark and light stripes.
- Zee Zee Applesauce: A brand of applesauce that is often marketed towards children.
- Zee Zee Bars: Nutrient-dense snack bars from the brand Zee Zee.
- Zekiel Bread: A type of bread made from a variety of whole and sprouted grains, including wheat, barley, millet, and spelt.
- Zenzai: A traditional Japanese sweet soup made from red beans and mochi.
- Zephyr Squash: A type of summer squash with a distinctive yellow tail and pale green body.
- Zest of Citrus: The outer, colorful skin of citrus fruits when grated finely.
- Zesta Crackers: A brand of crisp, light crackers.
- Zesty Italian Salad Dressing: A salad dressing characterized by its robust, tangy flavor, typically made with vinegar and herbs.
- Zetas Mushrooms: A particular variety of mushroom, often used in culinary dishes.
- Zevia Soda: A brand of soda that uses stevia, a natural sweetener, instead of sugar.
- Zha Jiang Mian: A Chinese noodle dish topped with a thick sauce made of fermented soybean paste.
- Zhug Sauce: A spicy and aromatic chili sauce originating from Yemen.
- Zimman’s Bagels: Bagels from Zimman’s, known for their fresh, chewy texture.
- Zimtschaum: A German dessert featuring a light, airy cinnamon mousse.
- Zimtsterne Cookies: Traditional German Christmas cookies made with cinnamon and almonds.
- Zinger: A small cake.
- Ziti: A type of pasta characterized by large, hollow tubes.
- Ziti Noodles: Another term for Ziti pasta.
- Ziti Pasta: Again, another term for Ziti, a tubular pasta.
- Zitouni: A Mediterranean dish primarily made with olives.
- Zollipops: A brand of sugar-free lollipops marketed as tooth-friendly for children.
- Zone Protein Bars: A type of nutritional supplement designed to provide balanced protein for people pursuing fitness goals.
- Zoni: A traditional Japanese soup often consumed during New Year celebrations.
- Zoo Animal Crackers: A type of cookie shaped like various zoo animals, popular with children.
- Zoodles: Spiralized zucchini used as a healthier, low-carb alternative to traditional noodles.
- Zotz Candy: A brand of candy that features a fizzing sensation in the middle once the outer shell is dissolved.
- Zours: A brand of candy known for its distinctly sour taste.
- Zucchini: A type of summer squash with a mild flavor, used in a variety of dishes.
- Zucchini Bread: A moist, sweet bread made from shredded zucchini.
- Zucchini Fries: A healthier alternative to traditional fries, where zucchini is cut into strips and often baked or fried.
- Zucchini Fritters: Small, pan-fried cakes made from shredded zucchini and batter.
- Zucchini Noodles: Zucchini that has been spiralized into noodle-like strands, often used as a low-carb substitute for pasta.
- Zuccotto: A dome-shaped Italian dessert made of sponge cake and rich cream fillings.
- Zummo Sausage: A type of sausage product manufactured by the brand Zummo.
- Zuppa Toscana: A creamy Italian soup typically made with sausage, potatoes, and kale.
- Zweiback Bread: A type of crisp, sweetened bread that’s been baked twice to achieve its dry texture.
- Zwetschgenkuchen: A German plum cake known for its sweet and tangy flavor balance.
- Zwiebelkuchen: A savory German onion pie or tart.
Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables That Start With Letter Z
- Zambos Plantain Chips
- Zee Zee Applesauce
- Zest of Citrus
- Zetas Mushrooms
- Zoodles
- Zucchini
- Zucchini Fries
- Zucchini Noodles
Sweets And Treats That Start With Letter Z
- Coke Zero
- Gatorade Zero
- Sprite Zero
- Zabiglione
- Zachary Fruit Slices Candy
- Zagnut Candy Bar
- Zapps Potato Chips
- Zbar
- Zebra Cake Ice Cream
- Zebra Cakes
- Zebra Donuts
- Zebra Popcorn
- Zebra Rolls
- Zee Zee Applesauce
- Zee Zee Bars
- Zevia Soda
- Zinger
- Zollipops
- Zone Protein Bars
- Zoo Animal Crackers
- Zots
- Zotz Candy
- Zours
- Zucchini Bread
- Zucchini Fritters
Meals and Snacks that Start with Letter Z
- Zatarains Rice
- Zekiel Bread
- Ziti
- Ziti Noodles
- Ziti Pasta
- Zoup
- Zuccotto
- Zummo Sausage
- Zuppa Toscana
Food Brand Names That Start With Letter Z
- Coke Zero
- Gatorade Zero
- Sprite Zero
- Zachary Fruit Slices Candy
- Zagnut Candy Bar
- Zambos Plantain Chips
- Zapps Potato Chips
- Zax Sauce
- Zbar
- Zebra Cake Ice Cream
- Zebra Cakes
- Zebra Donuts
- Zebra Popcorn
- Zebra Rolls
- Zee Zee Applesauce
- Zee Zee Bars
- Zekiel Bread
- Zesta Crackers
- Zevia Soda
- Zone Protein Bars
- Zoodles
- Zotz Candy
- Zoup
- Zours
- Zummo Sausage
Can you think of any other letter “Z” foods? If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.
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