7 Quick and Easy Letter D Activities Your Preschoolers Will Love

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers

We love having a weekly letter at our house and finding as many activities as we can managed that center around that letter… but also I’ve got a baby and preschooler and two older kids and I need these activities to be low effort (and expense) to kick off, and high yield for playtime.  That’s why we’ve put together a list of 7 Letter D activities that your preschooler won’t be able to resist. From designing dollhouses to digging for dinosaurs, these activities aren’t just educational, they’re downright enjoyable. So, grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to learn how you can make learning the Letter D a blast for your little one.

Disclosure: I want to give you a heads up that this blog does use affiliate links (which means I make a percentage of the sale if you buy something) and this post might be sponsored or contain affiliate links. In either case please know all opinions are my own.


D is for Dough Donuts

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Play Dough DonutsUsing play doh is a great activity for preschoolers because it’s tactile, sensory, and engaging. You can make your own dough at home with just a few simple ingredients like flour, salt, and water or, you can purchase pre-made play doh or modeling clay from a local store.

Show your child how to use the dough to make a donut shaped circle (honestly there are lots of way this can be accomplished) then decorate the top of it with a different color dough, so it looks like icing, or by pushing little beads or sequins into it like sprinkles if mixing dough colors gives you anxiety like me.

You can make a whole donut shop together or just one or two, and if you want to get the quick air drying clay, it can make fun play food as the air clay sets really fast and has been strong and steadfast in my experience.

You can use this activity to talk about different shapes, sizes, and textures and/or let them go wild with cookie cutters, rolling pins, and plastic knives as the work on those fine motor skills.

D is for Dress Up

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dance Party

Want a super easy D activity? How about a round (or 5) of dress up.  This can go on as long or little as you want and it can use full costumes (I’m thinking about all my halloween leftovers) or scraps of whatever you have around you and available (like rain boots and umbrellas, or scarves and sunglasses).

You can use these get ups to play shop together or act out different roles together for as long as your little one will stay engaged or until you’re ready to move on, but the dress up activity transitions really well into my next D activity which is a Disco Dance Party (or just a Dance Party is fantastic too!)

D is for Disco Dance Party

Let your little one/s show off their moves (and possibly costumes?) with a Disco Dance Party.  Turn down the lights and grab some glow sticks if you want to take it to level 11, or just turn up the music and boogie. This is a great and silly way to get some energy out with those little Dudes and Divas.

D is for Designing a Dollhouse

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Designing a DollhouseIf you’re ready to bring the energy back down, pop over to your table get crafting with designing some doll houses.

I’ve got a few printouts available so your little one can focus on the coloring, cutting and pasting, or you can just put out some paper and coloring supplies and see what kind of creations your preschoolers come up with on their own.

Encourage them to add furniture, wallpaper, and even accessories like tiny plants or picture frames to make the house or den feel more realistic. This activity not only helps with their fine motor skills but also fosters their imagination and design skills.

Once the dollhouse is complete, your preschoolers can play with it, creating stories and adventures for their toys. And who knows, maybe they’ll even have their own little disco dance party in their new dollhouse! Lol.

Click To Download:

Preschool Letter D Activity dollhouse cut and paste Empty House

Letter D Activity - Doll House Rooms Cut Out

Preschool Letter D Activity dollhouse cut and paste furniture

D is for Digging for Dinosaurs (2 Activity Ideas)

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dinosaur DiggingAnd Finally, let’s take the learning outside (or inside with a tote, some ice and a little more prep) and explore the awesome world of dinosaurs by letting your preschooler become a little paleontologists, searching for buried fossils (or plastic dinosaurs) .

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dinosaur Digging

All you’ll need is a sandbox or a dirt area in your backyard, some plastic dinosaur skeletons.

ons or just plastic dinosaurs, and some simple digging tools, like shovels, spoons, or even paint brushes. Hide the fossils in the sand and let your preschoolers dig and excavate to find them.

Alternatively you can do this activity indoors by getting a decent sized tupperware container and freezing your little dinosaurs in it overnight.  Consider excavating these with pipettes of warm water, and spoons, or a reusable straw (If you put the straw in water and cover the top of it with a thumb or finger, it will hold the water until you release it, like a pipette)

I got our pipette set on Amazon and we actually use it a lot and enjoy it.  Here’s a link to it if you’re interested.

As they uncover the fossils, ask them questions about how they might have lived, what they looked liked, and what they ate.

Once your little ones have found all the fossils, they can pretend to be dinosaur experts or act out their own stories using the fossils.

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dragon CraftD is for Dragons Craft

Super easy craft.  Grab some paper towel tubes, red tissue paper, scissors and a glue stick.

Cut the tissue paper into long strips and glue them all around the inside of one end of the paper towel tube to make a fire breathing dragon snout.  (Draw some nostrils on the end if you feel so inclined)

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Discovering Diamonds

D is for Discovering Diamonds

And since dragons are known for their love of treasure we did a little treasure hunt.  We had these gems on hand from previous play (We got them off amazon here).  For this activity I hide the gems around our front room and my son went hunting for them easter egg style.  He loved it, and as soon as he had them all he insisted that he get a turn to hide them all for me.  I’m pretty sure this could have gone on for hours, he loved it so much.

Easy Preschool Letter D Activities - D is for Dressing Up Dinosaurs D is for Dressing Up Dinos

This was a bonus and unplanned activity that my son pulled out on our D week and it was just so on theme I had to included it.  We got this “Dress Up Dino” kit from Hobby Lobby (Here are some similar activities on Amazon) and we talked like we were dinosaurs as my son dressed up the crew, and who would have guessed… we ended up having a dino house, rather than a doll house with our craft above. (This was one that I played with my son for half of it, and he happily played with it by himself for another long time while I was getting his little sister down for her nap, so it was a total win in my book)

Have any thoughts or activity ideas? If so I’d love to hear them, feel free to comment below 🙂

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5 Fun and Easy Activities for Teaching Preschoolers the Letter C

Coming up with interesting and engaging games, crafts and activities to teach preschoolers and young children about the letter C can be a daunting task, but fear not!  These 5 fun crafts and activities and easy, fun, and low prep, and adaptable for both a single child learning at home or a classroom.

From pretend cooking to crafts, I’ve got you covered with interactive and entertaining activities that will help your child develop their letter recognition and start on those pre-reading and pre-writing skills. Get ready to witness your preschooler’s creativity and imagination soar!


Cars and Construction Truck Letter Play

Letter C Construction Truck Play Letter C car PlayThis was a great activity to use while I was gathering a few supplies for the other letter C activities and honestly I think my son would have been content to play here for an hour, maybe more.  And since I already had a rice bin this activity took me about 30 seconds of prep.

Grab some colored paper, cut out some letter C’s, add some construction trucks or cars or your rice bin and let your child go to town getting the letter C’s covered up.  Here’s a link to our trucks on Amazon if you’re thinking about getting some.  Our see some serious use both in the rice bin, and in the garden in our backyard.

You can talk about the Construction that your child is doing and the different car’s they’re using, emphasizing the different sounds that c’s can make if you want to take this activity up a notch.

C is for Cooking

Cupcakes with letter C's in chocolate chips for a preschool learning letter C activity A fun and easy activity for teaching preschoolers the letter C is Cooking. Cooking is a great way to engage children’s senses, develop their fine motor skills, and introduce them to new vocabulary. Plus, it’s a tasty way to learn!

Start by choosing a recipe that features the letter C, such as carrot muffins or cucumber sandwiches. As you gather the ingredients and utensils, talk to your child about each item and its initial sound. Encourage them to repeat the sound and you could even practice writing the letter C in flour or frosting.

Next, let your child help with the measuring, pouring, and mixing. This is a great opportunity to talk about concepts like fractions, volume, and texture. As you work, point out each ingredient or tool you use that starts with the letter C, such as holding a measuring cup and asking “What is this called?” and annunciating the “Cup” part of it or in a sing song voice saying “CCCup” a few times.

Finally, enjoy the fruits of your labor together! Take time to savor the flavors and discuss how the letter C relates to the taste and texture of the food. Maybe the tops of muffins are crunchy but soft in the center, or the sandwiches are cool and crisp. Encourage your child to describe these sensations using C words like crispy, crunchy, cool, and creamy.

Cooking is a versatile and engaging activity that can be adjusted to fit your child’s interests and abilities. By incorporating the letter C into the recipe and the conversation, you’ll be helping your child build important literacy skills while having fun in the kitchen.

Cat Clap Crawls (or Crab Clap Crawls for Older Children)

Letter C CutoutsAnother fun way to reinforce the letter C with your preschooler is through a game of “Cat Clap Crawls”. Start the game by having your child pretend to be a cat, crawling around on all fours (or a crab, crab walking). Encourage them to be playful and use their imagination. After a few minutes of cat crawling, put some cut out letter “C’s” on the floor and have them move between them, clapping each time they reach one. To add variation you can start with a simple clap and then adding more complex patterns as your child’s skills develop. Finally, return to cat crawling, emphasizing the “C” sound in the word cat.

“Cat Clap Crawls” is not only a great way to reinforce the letter C, but it also helps with gross motor and coordination skills. Plus, it’s a fun way to burn off some energy!

Moving on to the next activity, “Cotton Ball Clouds”, your child can continue to practice their fine motor skills while creating a cute and fluffy cotton ball cloud.


Cotton Ball Clouds

Letter C Cotton Ball Cloud ActivityYour child can continue to practice their fine motor skills with the “Cotton Ball Clouds”. This is a fun easy activity to bring the energy back down.  My son loved ripping apart the cotton balls and always is down for some glue play so this was a great, easy prep art activity.

Next up, have some fun with singing with songs like “Creeping Caterpillar”

Creeping Caterpillar Song

(to the tune of the itsy bitsy spider)

The creeping caterpillar inched along the plant,

Eating up the leaf as it sang this chant,

Soon I’ll have wings and be able to fly,

When I do I’ll drink nectar and live in the sky.


The creeping caterpillar could feel the time was soon,

So it moved to a high plant and spun a fine cocoon,

Time passed by and one day when the sun was high,
The creeping caterpillar emerged a butterfly.

Construct a Castle (out of Cardboard)

One last fun activity for exploring letting C, is a team castle building activity.

There are a lot of way this one can go, you can use building blocks, or cardboard boxes, or any other materials you might already have on hand.

Construct a Castle out of Cardboard

If you want a quicker and easier version, straight up building blocks are fantastic.  Build and knock down your castle as many times as you like.

If you’re working with slightly older kids, or want to boost this to craft level gather up some cardboard boxes and let your child/children paint, glue, cut out and decorate them.  Add windows and doors and make your own castle each, or add them together building block style for a castle city, with flags and turrets on top.

Or if you want to be wild and strong, gather up large cardboard boxes of various sizes and use them as life size building block to build a castle you can play in and go through. (This is what we ended up doing and the castle stayed up all day, and ended up being played with by my elementary age kids, preschooler and baby alike)

This activity can promote teamwork, problem-solving, and imagination, as your little ones work together to create their own unique castle masterpiece. As they build, encourage them to use words that start with the letter C, such as “castle”, “colors”, and “creativity”.

Once their castles are complete, take a moment to admire their work and ask them to describe what they have created. You can even use this opportunity to talk about the history of real-life castles, and how they were used in the past.

I hope these 5 fun and easy activities for teaching preschoolers the letter C are just what you needed to kickstart their learning journey and you’re able to have some fun along the way.

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List of 155 Letter W Foods (Kid Friendly) & W Foods Charcuterie Board Idea

Big list of Foods that start with Letter W

There are so many options of foods that start with Letter W, especially if you want to get into all the wheat derivatives of things, and after so many letters with only a handful of options it was fun for me to have another letter that had lots to work with.

I’m sure I missed a few great Letter W foods, and if you notice that I have please comment below and I’ll be sure to get them added 🙂


I’ve got the full list of 155 Letter W Food first, but after that I’ve sorted the foods into types and if you want you can just pop to those sections.  The types are:

Fruits and Vegetables that Start with W

Sweets and Treats that Start with W

Meals and Snacks That Start with W

Letter W Brand Named Foods

List of 155 Foods That Start With Letter W

  1. Wafer: Thin, crispy, sweet snack usually made from flour and sugar
  2. Waffle Breakfast Sandwich: A breakfast sandwich made with waffles instead of bread
  3. Waffle Burger: A burger where the bun is replaced with waffles
  4. Waffle Cone: A crispy, cone-shaped container for holding ice cream
  5. Waffle Crisp: A type of cereal with waffle-shaped pieces
  6. Waffle Fries: Thick-cut fries with a waffle-like shape
  7. Waffle Iron Hash Browns: Hash browns cooked in a waffle iron
  8. Waffle Tacos: Tacos made with waffles as the shell
  9. Waffles: Batter cooked between two plates, creating a crisp, grid pattern
  10. Wagyu Burger: Burger made with Wagyu beef, known for its rich flavor and marbling
  11. Wakame Seaweed: Edible seaweed commonly used in Asian cuisine
  12. Waldorf Salad: Salad made with apples, celery, grapes, and walnuts in a creamy dressing
  13. Walking Tacos: Portable tacos served in a bag of chips
  14. Walla Walla Onions: Sweet onions grown in Walla Walla, Washington
  15. Walleye Fish: Freshwater fish known for its mild flavor
  16. Walnut Banana Bread: Banana bread with added walnuts for nutty flavor
  17. Walnut Brownies: Brownies made with walnuts for added texture and flavor
  18. Walnut Cake: Cake with walnuts in the batter or used as a topping
  19. Walnut Cookies: Cookies made with walnuts for a crunchy texture
  20. Walnut Pesto: Pesto sauce made with walnuts instead of pine nuts
  21. Walnuts: Nut with a hard shell and a rich, creamy kernel
  22. Wanton: Small dumpling filled with meat or vegetables, often served in soup
  23. Warheads: Sour, intensely flavored candy from the ’90s
  24. Wasa Crackers: Crispy, whole-grain crackers
  25. Wasabi: Spicy, green Japanese condiment commonly served with sushi
  26. Wasabi Almonds: Almonds coated with wasabi seasoning
  27. Wasabi Cashews: Cashews coated with wasabi seasoning
  28. Wasabi Cucumber Salad: Cucumber salad with a spicy wasabi dressing
  29. Wasabi Mayo: Mayonnaise with added wasabi for heat and flavor
  30. Wasabi Paste: Paste made from horseradish root, used as a condiment
  31. Wasabi Peas: Peas coated with a savory, spicy wasabi seasoning
  32. Wasabi Powder: Powdered form of wasabi, used to make a paste
  33. Wasabi Seaweed: Seaweed flavored with wasabi seasoning
  34. Wasabi Soy Almonds: Almonds seasoned with a mix of soy sauce and wasabi
  35. Wasabi Soy Sauce: Soy sauce infused with wasabi for added flavor
  36. Water: Essential, tasteless, odorless liquid for hydration
  37. Water Chestnut: Edible tuber with a crunchy texture often used in Asian cuisine
  38. Water Enhancer: Liquid or powder used to flavor water
  39. Water Spinach: Leafy green vegetable commonly used in Asian cuisine
  40. Watercress: Peppery, leafy green used in salads and garnishes
  41. Watercress Salad: Salad made with watercress as the main green
  42. Watermelon: Juicy, sweet fruit with a high water content
  43. Watermelon Feta Salad: Salad made with watermelon and feta cheese
  44. Watermelon Fruit Slices (Candy): Candies shaped like watermelon slices
  45. Watermelon Gazpacho: Cold soup made with watermelon and other ingredients
  46. Watermelon Gummies: Gummy candies flavored like watermelon
  47. Watermelon Ice: Frozen dessert made with watermelon
  48. Watermelon Juice: Juice made from watermelon
  49. Watermelon Lemonade: Lemonade flavored with watermelon
  50. Watermelon Punch: Fruit punch made with watermelon
  51. Watermelon Radish: Radish with a watermelon-like appearance
  52. Watermelon Slushie: Slushie made with watermelon flavor
  53. Watermelon Sorbet: Sorbet made with watermelon puree
  54. Wavy Potato Chips: Potato chips with a wavy, rippled texture
  55. Wax Apples (Fruit): Crunchy, watery fruit with an apple-like flavor
  56. Wax Bottles (Candy): Edible wax bottles filled with flavored liquid
  57. Wax Lips (Candy): A novelty candy in the shape of lips made of flavored wax.
  58. Waygu Beef: A high-quality beef from specific breeds of cattle known for its marbling and tenderness.
  59. Wedding Cake: A multi-tiered cake traditionally served at weddings and often elaborately decorated.
  60. Wedding Cookies: Small, bite-sized cookies often served at weddings as favors or desserts.
  61. Wedding Soup: An Italian soup traditionally served at weddings, typically made with chicken broth, greens, meatballs, and pasta.
  62. Wedge Potatoes: Potatoes cut into wedge shapes and typically roasted or fried.
  63. Weetabix: A whole-grain breakfast cereal made from compressed wheat biscuits.
  64. Welches Fruit Snacks: Fruit-flavored snacks made by the brand Welches.
  65. Welches Jam: Fruit preserves made by the brand Welches.
  66. Welches Juice: Fruit juice made by the brand Welches.
  67. Welsh Onion: A type of onion with a mild flavor often used in cooking.
  68. Werthers Candy: A brand of caramel-flavored candies.
  69. West African Jollof Rice: A flavorful rice dish commonly eaten in West African countries.
  70. Whalburger Hamburger: A type of hamburger made famous by the Wahlburgers restaurant chain.
  71. Whale Crackers: Crackers shaped like whales, often eaten as a snack.
  72. Whataburger: A fast-food chain known for its hamburgers and condiments like ketchup.
  73. Whatchamacallit (Candy Bar): A candy bar made by Hershey’s featuring caramel, peanut-flavored crisps, and chocolate.
  74. Wheat Bagels: Bagels made with wheat flour.
  75. Wheat Bran: The outer layer of wheat kernels, often used as a source of fiber.
  76. Wheat Bread: Bread made with wheat flour.
  77. Wheat Buns: Bread buns made with wheat flour.
  78. Wheat Cereal: Breakfast cereal made from wheat.
  79. Wheat Chex: Breakfast cereal made from wheat in a square shape.
  80. Wheat Crackers: Crackers made with wheat flour.
  81. Wheat Crunch: A snack made from wheat.
  82. Wheat Egg Noodles: Noodles made with wheat flour and eggs.
  83. Wheat English Muffin: English muffins made with wheat flour.
  84. Wheat Flour: Flour made from ground wheat kernels.
  85. Wheat Noodles: Noodles made with wheat flour.
  86. Wheat Pancake Mix: Pancake mix made with wheat flour.
  87. Wheat Pasta: Pasta made from wheat flour.
  88. Wheat Pita: Pita bread made from wheat flour.
  89. Wheat Rolls: Bread rolls made with wheat flour.
  90. Wheat Thins: Crackers made with wheat.
  91. Wheat Tortillas: Tortillas made from wheat flour.
  92. Wheat-Free Bread: Bread made without wheat for those with gluten sensitivities.
  93. Wheatgrass Shots: Juice made from the young grass of the wheat plant.
  94. Wheaties (Cereal): A breakfast cereal made from wheat that is often promoted as a source of energy for athletes.
  95. Whipping Cream: Cream that has been beaten to incorporate air and thicken it.
  96. Whistle Pop: A lollipop with a whistle built into the handle.
  97. White Asparagus: Asparagus that is grown underground to prevent chlorophyll production, resulting in white spears.
  98. White Bean Chili: Chili made with white beans and typically chicken or vegetables.
  99. White Beech Mushrooms: Mushrooms with a mild flavor and small size, often used in Asian dishes.
  100. White Bread: Bread made with white wheat flour.
  101. White Button Mushrooms: Common mushrooms with a mild flavor that are often used in cooking.
  102. White Cake: A type of cake made with white flour and sugar, often served at celebrations.
  103. White Chocolate: A sweet confection made from cocoa butter, sugar, and milk solids.
  104. White Chocolate Brownies: Brownies made with white chocolate instead of dark chocolate.
  105. White Chocolate Dipped Strawberries: Strawberries dipped in white chocolate for a sweet treat.
  106. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies: Cookies made with white chocolate and macadamia nuts.
  107. White Chocolate Mousse: A light and fluffy dessert made with white chocolate and whipped cream.
  108. White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake: A dessert made with a creamy cheesecake filling flavored with white chocolate and raspberries.
  109. White Currant: A type of berry that is white in color and similar in taste to red currants.
  110. White Gravy: A creamy sauce made from milk or cream and flour, often served over biscuits or mashed potatoes.
  111. White Peach Cobbler: A dessert made with white peaches topped with a biscuit-like crust.
  112. White Pizza: A pizza made without tomato sauce, typically featuring cheese, garlic, and other toppings.
  113. White Plum: A type of plum that is white or pale yellow in color, with a sweet and mild flavor.
  114. White Potatoes: Potatoes with white flesh, commonly used in cooking and baking.
  115. White Pudding: A type of sausage made with minced meat, suet, breadcrumbs, and spices.
  116. White Rice: Rice that has been milled and polished to remove the bran and germ, resulting in a white color.
  117. White Turnip: A root vegetable with white flesh and a slightly spicy flavor.
  118. White Vinegar: Vinegar made from distilled alcohol, typically clear and used in cooking and cleaning.
  119. Whitefish Salad: A salad made with whitefish, often mixed with mayonnaise and seasonings.
  120. Whole Grain Bread: Bread made from flour that includes the whole grain, providing additional fiber and nutrients.
  121. Whole Grain Pancakes: Pancakes made with whole grain flour, offering a healthier alternative to traditional pancakes.
  122. Whole Milk: Milk that contains all of its natural fat content, as opposed to reduced-fat or skim milk.
  123. Whole Roasted Chicken: A chicken that is roasted whole, typically seasoned with herbs and spices.
  124. Whoppers (Candy): A candy made from malted milk balls coated in chocolate.
  125. Wiener Schnitzel: A breaded and fried veal cutlet, commonly served with lemon wedges.
  126. Wild Berry Smoothie: A blended drink made with a combination of mixed berries.
  127. Wild Cherry Flavor: A flavoring used in food and beverages that resembles the taste of cherries.
  128. Wild Game Jerky: Jerky made from the meat of wild game animals, such as venison or elk.
  129. Wild Leek: A type of wild onion with a mild garlic flavor, also known as ramps.
  130. Wild Mushroom Risotto: A creamy rice dish made with wild mushrooms, typically flavored with herbs and cheese.
  131. Wild Peach: A type of peach that grows in the wild, often smaller and more flavorful than cultivated varieties.
  132. Wild Rice: A type of aquatic rice that is native to North America, commonly used in cooking.
  133. Wild Salmon: Salmon that is caught in the wild, as opposed to farm-raised salmon.
  134. Williams Pear: A type of pear with a distinctive sweet and juicy flavor.
  135. Wings: Chicken wings that are typically fried or grilled and coated in sauce.
  136. Winter Greens Salad: A salad made with a mix of hearty greens that are in season during the winter months.
  137. Winter Melon: A type of melon with a pale green skin and mild flavor, often used in Asian cuisine.
  138. Winter Squash: A group of squash varieties that are harvested in the fall and have a thick, hard skin.
  139. Wishbone Dressing: A brand of salad dressing known for its vinaigrette-style dressings.
  140. Wolf Berry: Another name for goji berries, a type of berry known for their health benefits.
  141. Wolf Brand Chili: A brand of canned chili made with beef and spices.
  142. Won Ton Egg Drop Soup: A soup made with wontons (dumplings) and beaten eggs in a savory broth.
  143. Wonder Bread: A brand of bread known for its soft, fluffy texture.
  144. Wonton Chips: Thin and crispy chips made from wonton wrappers.
  145. Wonton Cup Appetizers: Bite-sized appetizers made by filling wonton wrappers with various ingredients and baking them in a muffin tin.
  146. Wonton Noodle Soup: A soup made with wontons, noodles, and broth.
  147. Wonton Soup: A Chinese soup made with wontons in a clear broth.
  148. Wonton Tacos: Tacos made with wonton wrappers as the shell, typically filled with Asian-inspired ingredients.
  149. Wonton Wrappers: Thin sheets of dough made from flour, water, and salt, commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
  150. Wontons: small dumplings filled with seasoned meat or vegetables, typically served in broth or fried.
  151. Worcestershire Pringles: potato chips flavored with Worcestershire sauce, offering a tangy and savory taste.
  152. Worcestershire sauce: a pungent sauce made with vinegar, molasses, anchovies, and various seasonings, commonly used to enhance the flavor of savory dishes.
  153. Worms (gummy): chewy, gelatin-based candies shaped like worms, often brightly colored and fruit-flavored.
  154. Wow brand cookies: cookies made by the Wow Baking Company, known for their gluten-free and delicious varieties such as ginger molasses and snickerdoodle.
  155. Wraps: a type of sandwich or burrito in which various fillings are wrapped in a tortilla, flatbread, or lettuce leaf for easy consumption.

Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables That Start With Letter W

  1. Wakame Seaweed
  2. Waldorf Salad
  3. Walla Walla Onions
  4. Walnuts
  5. Wasabi Almonds
  6. Wasabi Peas
  7. Wasabi Seaweed
  8. Water Chestnut
  9. Watercress
  10. Watermelon
  11. Watermelon Feta Salad
  12. Watermelon Radish
  13. Water Spinach
  14. Welsh Onion
  15. White Asparagus
  16. White Beech Mushrooms
  17. White Button Mushrooms
  18. White Currant
  19. White Potatoes
  20. White Turnip
  21. Wild Leek
  22. Wild Peach
  23. Wild Rice
  24. Williams Pear
  25. Winter Melon
  26. Winter Squash
  27. Wolf Berry

Sweets And Treats That Start With Letter W

  1. Wafer
  2. Waffles
  3. Walnut Cake
  4. Wanton
  5. Warheads
  6. Wasabi Almonds
  7. Water Enhancer
  8. Watermelon Fruit Slices (Candy)
  9. Watermelon Gummies
  10. Watermelon Ice
  11. Wavy Potato Chips
  12. Wax Apples (Fruit)
  13. Wax Bottles (Candy)
  14. Wax Lips (Candy)
  15. Wedding Cake
  16. Wedding Cookies
  17. Welches Fruit Snacks
  18. Werthers candy
  19. Whale crackers
  20. Whatchamacallit (Candy Bar)
  21. Whipping Cream
  22. Whistle Pop
  23. White Cake
  24. White Chocolate
  25. White Chocolate Brownies
  26. Whoppers (Candy)
  27. Wild Cherry Flavor
  28. Worms (gummy)
  29. Wow brand cookies

Meals and Snacks that Start with Letter W

  1. Waffle Crisp (Cereal)
  2. Waffle Fries
  3. Waffles
  4. Wakame Seaweed
  5. Waldorf Salad
  6. Walking Tacos
  7. Walleye Fish
  8. Wasabi Almonds
  9. Wasabi Peas
  10. Wasabi Seaweed
  11. Wasa Crackers
  12. Watermelon Feta Salad
  13. Wavy Potato Chips
  14. Waygu Beef
  15. Wedding Soup
  16. Wedge Potatoes
  17. Weetabix
  18. Whalburger Hamburger
  19. Whataburger (hamburger, ketchup etc)
  20. Wheat Bagels
  21. Wheat Bran
  22. Wheat Bread
  23. Wheat Buns
  24. Wheat Cereal
  25. Wheat Chex
  26. Wheat Crackers
  27. Wheat Egg Noodles
  28. Wheat English Muffin
  29. Wheat Flour
  30. Wheaties (Cereal)
  31. Wheat Noodles
  32. Wheat Pasta
  33. Wheat Pita
  34. Wheat Rolls
  35. Wheat Thins
  36. Wheat Tortillas
  37. White Bread
  38. White Rice
  39. Wiener Schnitzel
  40. Wings
  41. Wolf Brand Chili (Brand)
  42. Wonder Bread (Brand)
  43. Wontons
  44. Wraps

Food Brand Names That Start With Letter W

  1. Waffle Crisp (Cereal)
  2. Wakame Seaweed
  3. Warheads (Candy)
  4. Wasa Crackers
  5. Wax Bottles (Candy)
  6. Wax Lips (Candy)
  7. Weetabix
  8. Welches Fruit Snacks
  9. Welches Jam
  10. Welches Juice
  11. Werthers candy
  12. Whalburger Hamburger
  13. Whale crackers
  14. Whataburger (hamburger, ketchup etc)
  15. Whatchamacallit (Candy Bar)
  16. Wheaties (Cereal)
  17. Wheat Thins
  18. Whoppers (Candy)
  19. Wishbone Dressing
  20. Wolf Brand Chili (Brand)
  21. Wonder Bread (Brand)
  22. Wow brand cookies

Can you think of any other letter “W” foods?  If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.

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Free Letter B Tracing Worksheets

Looking for some fantastic, printable, themed, free letter B tracing worksheets? Look no further.  These are perfect for homeschool, preschool, pre-k and kindergarten learners, and teach tracing patterns for both upper case letter B and lower case letter b while keeping children engaged with fun themed pages.

Join My Newsletter to download bundled A-Z themed tracing worksheets and more available in my freebie vault.

Tracing Worksheet Alphabet Themes:

  • Mermaid
  • Dinosaurs
  • Vehicles (Coming Soon)
  • Unicorns (Coming Soon)
  • Trains (Coming Soon)

Free Letter B Tracing Worksheets

Click the image below to download and print designs you’re interested in, or join my newsletter to download a bundled A-Z File in any of the themes accessible through my freebie vault.

Mermaid Themed Capital and Lowercase Letter B Tracing Page

Mermaid Themed, B is for Bubbles

Free Letter B Tracing Worksheet with Mermaid and Bubble art

I don’t know about your kids, but mine have been way more interested and invested in doing letter B tracing pages that have mermaids, cars and dinosaurs on them then they were doing tracing pages with Butterflies and Bees, and I hope your kids find these fun and motivating too!

Also, if you’ve got an idea for a theme please comment below or message me, I’m working on new ones all the time.

Make These Even More Fun With The Perfect Book!

These tracing sheets are even more fun and engaging when they’re paired with the book “Mermaid for a Day” by Juliet Jenson and Nabila Amanda. (Same Artist For Both Tracing Sheet & Book)

Join my newsletter to access my freebie vault and download a bundled file of A-Z Mermaid Letter tracing pages or buy “Mermaid For a Day” on Amazon.

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Mermaid For A Day - Children Picture Book Cover Dinosaur For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Dragon For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Penguin For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover
Mermaid For A Day Dinosaur For A Day Dragon For A Day Penguin For A Day
A kind girl becomes and mermaid for a day and plays underwater games with other mermaids including seaweed hide and seek, swimming with dolphins, and exploring sunken pirate ships. A kind boy gets his with to become a dinosaur for a day. He plays games with other friendly dinosaurs including coconut soccer, building a fort, and throwing stones into a volcano to make lava splash. A kind boy gets his wish to become a dragon for a day. He spends the day playing with other friendly dragons. They fly together, squish clouds until it rains, make s’mores with their fire breath, and more. An honest boy gets his wish to become a penguin for a day. He spends the day playing games with other friendly penguins including hockey, having a snow ball fight, fishing, and so much more.

Mermaid For A Day Preview

Mermaid For A Day Promo
Mermaid For A Day Sneak Peek inside book
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 2
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 3

Free Letter C Tracing Worksheets (Printable) Mermaid Themed

Looking for some fantastic, printable, themed, free letter C tracing worksheets? Look no further.  These are perfect for homeschool, preschool, pre-k and kindergarten learners, and teach tracing patterns for both upper case letter C and lower case letter c while keeping children engaged with fun themed pages.

Join My Newsletter to download bundled A-Z themed tracing worksheets and more available in my freebie vault.

Tracing Worksheet Alphabet Themes:

  • Mermaid
  • Dinosaurs
  • Vehicles (Coming Soon)
  • Unicorns (Coming Soon)
  • Trains (Coming Soon)

Free Letter C Tracing Worksheets

Click the image below to download and print designs you’re interested in, or join my newsletter to download a bundled A-Z File in any of the themes accessible through my freebie vault.

Mermaid Themed Capital and Lowercase Letter C Tracing Page

Mermaid Themed, C is for Coral – (Click image to download and/or print)

Free Letter C Tracing Worksheet with Mermaid and Coral art

I don’t know about your kids, but mine have been way more interested and invested in doing letter C tracing pages that have mermaids, cars and dinosaurs on them then they were doing tracing pages with Caterpillars and Cats, and I hope your kids find these fun and motivating too!

Also, if you’ve got an idea for a theme please comment below or message me, I’m working on new ones all the time.

Make These Even More Fun With The Perfect Book!

These tracing sheets are even more fun and engaging when they’re paired with the book “Mermaid for a Day” by Juliet Jenson and Nabila Amanda. (Same Artist For Both Tracing Sheet & Book)

Join my newsletter to access my freebie vault and download a bundled file of A-Z Mermaid Letter tracing pages or buy “Mermaid For a Day” on Amazon.

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Mermaid For A Day - Children Picture Book Cover Dinosaur For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Dragon For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Penguin For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover
Mermaid For A Day Dinosaur For A Day Dragon For A Day Penguin For A Day
A kind girl becomes and mermaid for a day and plays underwater games with other mermaids including seaweed hide and seek, swimming with dolphins, and exploring sunken pirate ships. A kind boy gets his with to become a dinosaur for a day. He plays games with other friendly dinosaurs including coconut soccer, building a fort, and throwing stones into a volcano to make lava splash. A kind boy gets his wish to become a dragon for a day. He spends the day playing with other friendly dragons. They fly together, squish clouds until it rains, make s’mores with their fire breath, and more. An honest boy gets his wish to become a penguin for a day. He spends the day playing games with other friendly penguins including hockey, having a snow ball fight, fishing, and so much more.

Mermaid For A Day Preview

Mermaid For A Day Promo
Mermaid For A Day Sneak Peek inside book
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 2
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 3