MIT Graduate School Housing: Should I live at Eastgate or Westgate?

I have been living on the MIT campus for the last 5 years while my husband is working on his PhD.  While here we have had two children (both born at Mount Auburn Hospital, and both were great experiences – if you have questions about medical care feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to answer them)

We also lived in Eastgate for two year and Westgate for two years and I have a pretty good feel for both communities.  I’ve heard a lot of chatter lately about people moving here and not knowing which place to choose and then regretting their choice once they’ve seen what both communities have to offer so I thought I’d do my best to layout the pros and cons of each in hopes that you can make a more informed decision when your time comes.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me, I’ll do my best to answer them.
Email for Brittney
novelpairing <at> gmail <dot> com


We started out at Eastgate in a one bedroom center apartment (the smallest they have to offer).


  • Close to campus (My husband who works in the Biology Department would regularly come home for lunch)  Super close to the chemistry building, SLOAN, and the List Media Center. 
  • Close to Transportation – Literally a two minute walk to the Red Line T-Station (Boston Subway) 
  • 15 minute walk to the mall, and many restaurants close by
  • 15 minute walk to the grocery store/Mini Mall (Star Market on Mcgrath Highway)  There are also some clothing shops, and a Marshall’s which has some home wares in it. 
  • View of the Charles river  (some apartment’s views are absolutely breathtaking) 
  • Great Natural Light
  • Awesome Indoor Kid Playroom, Super organized, super well lit, and they clean it from top to bottom, sanitizing every lego, once a month. 
  • Amazing Penthouse, open to everyone.  Community events are often held there and you are welcome to use it yourself. 


  • Bathroom is through the bedroom (at least in the center apartments) 
  • Kitchen is very small and the oven seems dwarf size (we had to get smaller baking sheets for it) 
  • No Air Conditioners, and in the summer you need one! (There are places to add one of your own purchasing) 
  • Elevator Congestions (There are three elevators for the 28 floor building, at certain times of day they get very congested and you’ll have to wait) … Often an elevator will also be out of commission for a few hours of the day for garbage and/or repairs.
  • Elevators Breaking – They have had a ton of repairs for these elevators and still they seem to have to take one down often for more repairs which can really slow down your mobility, especially if you are on an upper floor. 
  • Outside Playground is hard to use – it’s shared with a daycare and I found it a bit stressful to try to play with my children on it during day care hours as it’s flooded with other/older kids.  There is another grill area that is less congested, but still not ideal
  • Constructions – They are doing tons of renovations around the area so construction setbacks are frequent 
  • Pre-Mounted furniture in the bedrooms (this could really be a pro or con, nice to have dresser space already there and ready for you, but I felt like it took up a lot of room) 

My Over All Thoughts 

Eastgate was an amazing place to live before we had children.  It was close to the city, close to campus, close to the “T” station, and the spacing was not bad for two people.

After our son was born the spacing was too tight, and even though I attended all of the community events I felt like I had a harder time meeting people and making “mom” friends.



(King Sized Bed)


We moved to Westgate when my elder son was a year and half. We moved into the low rise (Two Bedroom – the biggest they have to offer, though our rent barley increased)


  • More Space
  • An amazing community of supportive people
  • A giant playground right in the middle of everything, in the evenings everyone lives on the playground, lots of friends for your kids, lots of moms from every corner of the world to talk to, and everyone with the feeling of we’re all working together to survive grad school (If you have children please please please move to Westgate!  I could not believe the difference it made to me, how much happier and more well connected I felt, I did baby sitting swaps with other moms, outtings with other moms, preschool co-ops with other moms, we lived on the playground during the summer and my mental health was so much better in this super kid friendly community. … Even if you now have to trek across campus (there is actually a shuttle that comes frequently) please consider Westgate for your own mental health. 
  • Great natural light in all the rooms
  • No pre-mounted furniture  
  • 15 Minute walk to grocery store – Star Market (city center store, it’s expensive and not great quality food), or Trader Joes 
  • Each apartment comes with a storage unit
  • Community Toys for kids (bicycles, balls, etc)
  • Indoor playroom – Less awesome than Eastgate, but still nice for the winter
  • Balcony (only for the lowrise)


  • Further from Campus
  • Further from Mass Transportation
  • Community space is in the basement, so its dark and less awesome
  • Laundry – It’s the basement of the highrise, so if you live in the low rise you have to drag your laundry through the playground (huge distractions when you have kids) and get it into the building to do it
  • View – Playground
  • No Air Conditioners/ Automatic heating in the winter (read that as way too hot… it will be a blizzard outside and you will have your balcony door open)

My Over All Thoughts

We have loved Westgate, even with its flaws.  If you have kids of any age please try to come here, the community is super supportive and the playground is a magical place to meet people and play. Even thought it’s further from campus and more of a hassle to get around I have made some of my deepest friendships here and I’m pretty sure the support from these ladies saved me from going completely insane while having kids during grad school.



King Sized Bed, In the smaller of the two rooms, there isn’t room for anything but the bed and it’s tight but it works


Toddler Letters – “Z” is for “Zebra”

Letter Z Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Z is for Zebra with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.


Supplies Needed:

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Z is for Zebra with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

  • Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “Z” Cutout
  • Glue
  • Black Paint (We used finger paint)
  • Googly Eyes
  • Black Craft Paper
  • Scissors
  • Paint Brush (If you want it, we attempted to use a Q-tip, but decided that our fingers were more fun)

Set Up:

We started by dipping our fingers into the finger paint and making stripes (or in my son’s case spots) of black across our “Z” to form the stripes of our zebra.  We let our “Z” dry.  Once it was dry I cut out some ear shapes from our black craft paper and we glued those to the top of our Z and added some googly eyes before gluing the whole thing to our craft paper.

We finished by talking about different kinds of animals and some of the interesting things different animals can do.  Elephants have long noses and can use them to grab things, giraffes have long neck and can reach leaves high up in the trees, monkeys can use their hands to climb trees etc.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Z is for Zebra with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

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Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

Toddler Letters – “Y” is for “Yarn”

Letter Y Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Y is for Yarn with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.


Supplies Needed:

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Y is for Yarn with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

  • Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “Y” Cutout
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Scissors
  • Yarn
  • Marker

Set Up:

We started by cutting long strips of yarn.  I oped to do a thin line of glue and wrap my yarn around my letter “Y”, my son had more fun covering his “Y” in glue and glueing down long and short strips of yarn to his letter… mostly I think he liked being able to play with scissors and cut the yarn.  Both ways worked out great.

We finished by talking about strings and how they can be used to make things like fabric, carpet, and rope.  I had him look at his shirt and find the hem so he could see the thin string used to hold his shirt together, then we looked at our shag rug to see how the lots of little stings formed the soft carpeting and we finished by looking at a rope and seeing how all the stings wound together made for a really strong rope.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft Y is for Yarn with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

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Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

Toddler Letters – “X” is for “X-Ray”

Letter X Craft - Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft X is for X-Ray with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft X is for X-Ray with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Supplies Needed:

  • Colored Craft Paper
  • Letter “X” Cutout
  • Elmer’s Glue
  • Scissors
  • Q-tips
  • Markers

Set Up:

We stared by gluing down our black letter “X” to our white paper.  Then we cut up our Q-tips so that we could use the ends to form more bone like structures. Once we had the Q-tips we wanted we did a line across our letter “X” with our glue and glued down our Q-tips in the pattern we wanted… my son’s X-ray ended up looking like someone with some seriously broken bones 🙂

We finished by talking about what bones were, I showed him some pictures of X-Rays and we talked about how our bones help support us.

Toddler/Preshooler letter of the week craft X is for X-Ray with related craft, tracing sheets and fruits/vegetables.

Tracing Letters:

Have you made this craft?  What was your experience like and do you have an suggestions to make it better?  I’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

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Touring Boston – What to Know About Attending a Cape Code Factory Tour with Kids

New England has this amazing brand of potato chips call Cape Cod Chips.  They are thin, crisp, salty and pretty much the best potato chips I have ever eaten in my life… and honestly until I tried them I was not a huge potato chip fan.  
Anyway one day I was looking at the back of the bag and saw that they offer factory tours and knew that before my husband finished his studies and we moved away from Boston that we needed to tour this factory… mostly because it sounded ridiculous … and awesome.   

What to Know About Attending a Cape Code Factory Tour with Kids
Just after Labor Day we decided to take a short camping trip to Cape Cod and decided that one of the attractions we wanted to see along the way was our chip factory.  
We parked and walked up to the building, only to see signs that no photos were allowed to be taken inside the factory.  We snapped a few outside and then stepped into the building.  The tour was self guided and pretty much just a long walk down the hallway where you could stop and peek through different windows to see what was happening.  Next to each window there was short plaque describing what was happening and you could move as quickly or as slowly as you wanted. 
We watched all the potatoes being poured onto conveyor belts and men and women looking them over to remove bad potatoes.  Then we saw the potatoes getting cut up into little bits, followed by being soaked in oil and fried.  When they were done cooking we followed the belt to the next window to see them getting salted and more people picking out the less than perfect chips. 
Then we walked to the last window and watched the bags being made and the chips getting stuffed into them.  Our two year old son was mesmerized by this process and we stood at those windows for a long long time watching the bags being made by a robot and then filled with chips. 
The tour ended and you get a small sample bag of chips to enjoy as you walk through the gift shop. 


The tour is really short, honestly if you don’t stop at the window and watch and read you would be done with it five minutes.  For us, with our toddler this was great since we could stop at the places that he was interested and move on when he wasn’t.  It was also easy to leave at anytime.  The chips were delicious and my son loved it.  Months later he still likes telling people about going to the chip factory, which makes it a win in my book.  
Rating: ★★★★☆
Four Stars. The tour was great and I thought it was perfect length for a toddler, but there really wasn’t much to it.  Just a long narrow hallway with windows to peek into.  If you’re not really into machinery and watching things happening, it may not be worth your time to make the drive or the detour to the factory.

Have you been here before?  If so I’d love to know more about your experience and any tips or tricks you have in the comments section below. 
Cape Cod Chip Factory
100 Breed’s Hill Road
Hyannis, MA 02601

 Phone: 1-888-881-2447

Tour Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Self-guided tours are free. Closed Weekends and Holidays