Mermaid For A Day – Interview with Juliet Jenson Author/Illustrator

I’m kicking off a picture book author Interview series and I’m excited to start by sharing the picture book “Mermaid for a Day” by Juliet Jenson with all of you.

Mermaid For A Day Book, with open page

Disclosure: This blog does accept sponsored posts and may contain affiliate links (which means I make a percentage of the sale if you buy something).

First, can you tell me why parents and caregivers might want to pick your book?  Especially when there are so many mermaid books out there? 

Juliet: There are lots of wonderful mermaid books out there, but I wrote “Mermaid for a Day” half for kids and half for caregivers.  I wanted to write the kind of book that kids would want to have read to them again and again, while also writing the kind of book that parents would be eager to read to them.

What I really mean is I wanted to create a book that is fun, beautiful, adventurous and full of magic, so it’s exciting for kids.

And I wanted to make it short, easy to read aloud (it rhymes), and to let the pictures do most of the talking for the parents.  I know for my own kids, I love reading to them before bed, but some nights the books they want read to them are 50 pages long, with dense text, and I die inside a little.  Don’t get me wrong, I love those big books during the day, but before bed I want something fun, and also something short enough to keep their attention. (I’m usually reading to my boys ages 4 & 7 if that helps set the stage)

Mermaid For A Day Picture Book Cover

Can you briefly sum up what the story is about? 

Juliet: Sure.  It kicks off with a little girl saving a fish who grants her wish to become a mermaid, but only for a day.  She spends the rest of the book doing what I think we’d all want to do if we were mermaids as kids,  she swims with dolphins, plays dress up with other mermaid friends, builds seashell puzzles, paints with an octopus, plays seaweed hide and seek, explores a sunken pirate ship and more.

Each page is a mini activity that kids can hopefully relate to, with a mermaid twist to it.

What inspired you to write this particular book?

Juliet: Well my daughter had just been born, and I’d been looking for a creative project and this just kind of came to me.  Kind of Animorphs for 5 year olds. I typed out the first few drafts of the story while doing middle of the night feedings, and it was just so fun I couldn’t stop.

Do you have a favorite page?

Juliet: I honestly love so many of them, but I think my top two might be the first page of the book, where she’s throwing the fish back into the sea, or the seaweed hide and seek page. I just feel like visually, they were the two the came out so much better than I dared to hope.

Picture of little girl using a bucket to toss a fish back into the ocean
Picture of mermaids playing hide and seek in seaweed

Thank you so much.  One last question, if you could have any super power, what would it be, and why?

Juliet: I would definitely love either super speed or the ability to stop time for everyone except me.  🙂 I have so many ideas and things I want to do, but there never seems to be enough time to do even a fraction of them.


Thank you so much for sharing this, and if any readers are interested, “Mermaid For A Day” is on sale now on Amazon with both a paperback and ebook, and soon it will be available through all major book retailers.

Buy “Mermaid For A Day” From Amazon

Mermaid For A Day - Children Picture Book Cover Dinosaur For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Dragon For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover Penguin For A Day - Juliet Jenson - Children's Picture Book Cover
Mermaid For A Day Dinosaur For A Day Dragon For A Day Penguin For A Day
A kind girl becomes and mermaid for a day and plays underwater games with other mermaids including seaweed hide and seek, swimming with dolphins, and exploring sunken pirate ships. A kind boy gets his with to become a dinosaur for a day. He plays games with other friendly dinosaurs including coconut soccer, building a fort, and throwing stones into a volcano to make lava splash. A kind boy gets his wish to become a dragon for a day. He spends the day playing with other friendly dragons. They fly together, squish clouds until it rains, make s’mores with their fire breath, and more. An honest boy gets his wish to become a penguin for a day. He spends the day playing games with other friendly penguins including hockey, having a snow ball fight, fishing, and so much more.

Mermaid For A Day Preview

Mermaid For A Day Promo
Mermaid For A Day Sneak Peek inside book
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 2
Mermaid for a day sneak peek into book 3

5 Easy, Engaging and Affordable Letter E Activities

5 Easy Activity Ideas for teaching Letter E

5 Easy, engaging and affordable Letter E activities for your preschooler that can be done with only a few minutes of prep and will (hopefully) engage your child for far longer. From a fun craft to a game that encourages exercise, these activities are designed to make learning at home a breeze. So let’s dive in and discover fun letter E activities you can use to engage with your child.

E is for Elephant Eating Game

Letter E is for Feeding the Elephant "E's" Activity IdeaA fun activity to when learning the letter E is the Elephant Eating Game. This game is perfect for getting your child up and moving, while still learning the letter E. 

To prep you will need a cardboard box, to print (or draw) an elephant image, an empty cardboard tube (paper towel tubes work great) and some letter “E” Cutouts. (Printable E and Elephants Below)

Make your elephant by pasting (or drawing) the elephant image to/on your box and cutting out around its nose.  Then add the cardboard tube to be the elephant nose.  I used hot glue because it seemed fast and easy to me.  I’m sure tape would work great too.

Scatter your letter E cutouts around the room and let your preschooler gather them up and feed them to the elephant down its long nose. My son loved this game especially because he got to crumple up the “E’s” so they would fit down the nose.

After we fed the all the Letter E’s to the elephant my son wasn’t ready to be done, and thought it was just as fun to feed the elephant the other letters as well, then try to guess which of the crumpled papers were “E’s” and feed and refeed the elephant.  Honestly, for us, this was a 10/10 engagement, and I was ready to move on way before my son was, which is always a win in my book.

Bonus points if you use both capital and lowercase letter E’s, and different fonts to help with letter recognition.

(Click the images below to download and print if wanted)

Alphabet Letters that don't have an "E" Alphabet Letters "E" in different fonts and sizes Free Elephant Printable with nose Free Elephant Printable without nose Free Elephant Printable with nose Free Elephant Printable without nose


E is for Exercise

Physical activity is great for children’s development, and it’s so easy to make fun at this age. 

You can do any number of activities, but for us… Cosmic Kids Yoga is always a win, and in the name of Letter E, we watched her Easter Yoga video for our Exercise movement (I think there is also an Earth Day one, if you want to keep an E theme, but honestly all exercise is a win).    

Or you can find fun way to incorporate letter E activities by doing an exercise routine that involves E-related movements. For example, you can have your child do jumping “Elephant” jacks or “Eagle” squats which is pretty much the normal movement while incorporating a little bit of animal fun. 


E is for Envelope Exploration

Letter E Activity Idea - Envelope ExplorersThis one takes a small amount of prep (less than 5 minutes) but was also a good time. Below I’ve got some printables that include letter E things and non-letter E things that you’re welcome to use for this. 

Print out and cut out the letter E, and non letter E pictures and put each one in their own envelope, then hide those envelopes around your house.

Have your child go “Exploring” looking for the envelopes, then have them open what they find and decide if the picture inside starts with letter E or not.  If you’ve got a younger child, you can also just do the Letter E things and practice really annunciating the “E” sounding start to each item as you have them say it with you.

After we had all the envelopes collected we also ended up spreading them out and playing a pumped up memory game, where we tried to guess which envelopes had letter E things in them, and if we guessed right we got to keep that envelope/picture.

Letter E Pictures Printable Non Letter E Pictures Printable

E is for Earth!

Easy Letter E activity idea, earth day craftAnother fun activity that adapts really well to some outside play is making Earth Day style crafts. These are great for any time of the year, as it’s always worthwhile to be conscientious of our planet.  This craft is a great way to celebrate our planet, and also provides an opportunity to teach your child about the environment and the importance of taking care of it. 

Encouraging your child to be environmentally conscious from a young age is important for their future, and taking about caring for our Earth is the perfect way to start. 

For this I started by checking out our recycle bin to see if we had anything that was blue in it that we could use (we did) if you don’t blue paper, or tissue paper would also work great for this.

Then I handed my son a pair of craft scissors and a little box and we went for a walk and gathered up some nature treasures, mostly in the form of grass and leaves.

After our walk we came back and cut up our blue recycling into little bits and trimmed some of our nature treasures, and grabbed some glue.

I printed out an earth for us (free printable below) and we glued our blue stuff in the ocean areas, and our green stuff on the land areas, making what I thought was a fun a pretty unique craft.

Earth Clip Art Printable

E is for Egg-Experimenting

Letter E Activity Idea, E is for ExperimentingWe did this right around Easter, and you actually don’t need eggs at all, but we had so many laying around and it was E themed so… it happened.  Looking at this post some time of the year that’s not April? No worries, I think it would have worked just as well with only the cupcake tin.

I put some baking soda in our plastic eggs (or in a muffin tin) then added a few different colored drops of food coloring, then added more baking soda over the top so the colors were hidden.

Then I gave my sons a bunch of vinegar in our pipettes and them them squirt it in our different cups until the erupted and they could see the different colors.  This one was so engaging and fun that my ten year old, who is reaching the too cool for these kinds of things stage, couldn’t resist getting in a playing a bit with this one.

There you have it, 5 letter E activities that you can do more or less on a whim, and that we had a great time with.  If you’ve used them or have ideas I’d love to know how it went if you wanted to drop me a comment below.

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List of 30 Letter X Foods Ideas (Kid Friendly) & X Foods Charcuterie Board Idea

Big Picture of Letter X Foods

Here’s the deal, Letter X foods have had me stumped for a good long time.  I want an easy, kid friendly list and Xanthan gum just wasn’t cutting it for me. I looked up a few other foods like Xtra Gum, and a Xtreme type foods, but it was still a painfully short list. 

From there I branched out, and if you look at different languages you can get a few more foods that start with X, especially the chinese names of things.  So I created a much longer list that includes foods in different languages, but having taught Joy School for a few of my kids and worked with toddlers and preschoolers learning there letters all I could think was that throwing foods in different languages at them really wasn’t going to be super fun or helpful for learning a new letter.

After a lot of thought (like 6 months, lol) I realized that just as good as foods starting with Letter X, my kids would be equally excited about just eating Letter X shaped foods… which, as it happens, are a lot easier to come by (at least for me) so for this Charcuterie Board I ditched the foods that started with Letter X, and instead my kids and I had a great time making Letter X’s out of foods (which as it happens was a really fun activity – we used lots of strait foods and held them together with either Twizzlers Pull and Peel licorice, or small strips and globs of Fruit By The Foot – My kids would 100% recommend this)

In either case I have two list below, a list of strait foods that I think can be made into Letter X’s and a list of food that actually start with Letter X, most of them in languages other than English.

I’m sure I missed a few Letter X foods, or straight foods that could be converted into X’s, and if you notice that I have please comment below and I’ll be sure to get them added 🙂


I’ve got the list of foods that can be shaped into a Letter X first, then the full list of Letter X Food, and after that I’ve sorted the foods into types and if you want you can just pop to those sections.  The types are:

Fruits and Vegetables that Start with X

Sweets and Treats that Start with X

Meals and Snacks That Start with X

Letter X Brand Named Foods

Ideas of Foods that Can Be Shaped Into a Letter X

  1. Airhead Xtremes Rainbow Belt Candies
  2. Artisan Bread (I found some with an X shape in the top)
  3. Asparagus
  4. Bamboo Shoots
  5. Bread Sticks
  6. Carrot Sticks
  7. Celery 
  8. Cheese Sticks
  9. Churos
  10. Cucumbers 
  11. Fruit Roll-Ups
  12. Green Beans
  13. Honey Sticks
  14. Ladyfinger Cookies
  15. Lora Doone Cookies (have a bit of an x shape imprinted on the top) 
  16. Lucky Charm Cereal Pieces (Some of them are X shaped)
  17. Nerds Ropes
  18. Pasta Noodles
  19. Pickels
  20. Pirouette Cookies
  21. Pocky Sticks
  22. Pretzels
  23. Slim Jims
  24. Soybeans (Edamame)
  25. String Cheese
  26. Sugar Snap Peas
  27. Sweet and Sour Ropes
  28. Taquitos
  29. Twizzlers 
  30. Twizzlers Pull and Peel 
  31. Wafter Cookies
  32. X shaped Alphabet Cookies
  33. Zucchini Strips

List of 30 Foods That Start With Letter X

  1. Airhead Xtremes Rainbow Belt Candys: Colorful and tangy candy strips
  2. Xacuti masala: Indian delicacy made with marinated meat or fish mixed with spices
  3. Xalwa a somali: Cornflour paste dish from Somalia
  4. Xanthan gum: Food thickener with multiple uses
  5. Xanthren: Herbal plant
  6. Xavier soup: Classic Italian soup
  7. Xavier steak: American dish featuring steak
  8. Xerem de Fiesta: Cape Verdean dish
  9. Xia: Chinese shrimp
  10. Xiang Cai: Chinese for coriander
  11. Xiangcaojing: Chinese for vanilla
  12. Xiangchang: Chinese for sausage
  13. Xiangjiao: Chinese for banana
  14. Xian hamburger: Chinese style hamburger
  15. Xianrou: Chinese for bacon
  16. Xiaodianxin: Chinese for cookies
  17. Xiaonijurou: Chinese for veal
  18. Xi gua: Chinese for watermelon
  19. Xihongshi: Chinese for tomato
  20. Xi mi fen: Chinese for tapioca flour
  21. Xinag jun: Chinese for black dried mushroom
  22. Xingzi: Chinese for apricot
  23. Xiphios: Greek for swordfish
  24. Xocolatl: Ancient Aztec word for chocolate
  25. Xom Tum: Hot and spicy Thai dish
  26. XO sauce: Hong Kong style sauce
  27. Xouba: Small sardine like fish
  28. Xtra: Brand of gum
  29. Xtreme Candy: Extra intense candy
  30. Xtreme hot sauce: Extremely spicy hot sauce
  31. Xylitol: Sugar substitute and sweetener


Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables That Start With Letter X

  1. Xanthren (herb)
  2. Xiangjiao – Chinese for banana
  3. Xi gua – Chinese for watermelon
  4. Xihongshi – Chinese for tomato
  5. Xinag jun – Chinese for black dried mushroom
  6. Xingzi – Chinese for apricot

Sweets And Treats That Start With Letter X

  1. Airhead Xtremes Rainbow Belt Candys
  2. Xiaodianxin – Chinese for cookies
  3. Xocolatl – Ancient Aztec for chocolate
  4. Xtra – (brand of gum)
  5. Xtreme Candy

Meals and Snacks that Start with Letter X

  1. Xacuti masala (Indian delicacy prepared with marinated meat or fish and mixed spices)
  2. Xavier soup (classic Italian soup)
  3. Xavier steak (American steak dish)
  4. Xerem de Fiesta (dish from Cape Verde, Africa)
  5. Xia – Chinese shrimp
  6. Xiangchang – Chinese for sausage
  7. Xian hamburger
  8. Xianrou – Chinese for bacon
  9. Xiaonijurou – Chinese for veal
  10. Xiphios – Greek for swordfish
  11. Xom Tum – Hot and spicy Thai dish

Food Brand Names That Start With Letter X

  1. Airhead Xtremes Rainbow Belt Candys
  2. XO sauce
  3. Xtra – (brand of gum)
  4. Xtreme Candy
  5. Xtreme hot sauce

Can you think of any other letter “X” foods?  If so please comment and let me know, I’d love to get them added to the list.

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Easy Earth Day Collage Craft Idea for Preschoolers

Earth Day Craft Collage

Do you want to introduce your preschooler to the wonders of nature and celebrate Earth Day at the same time? Look no further than this engaging and fun craft idea! Taking a nature walk with your little ones and letting them collect natural materials not only instills a love and appreciation for the environment but also provides the perfect opportunity to create a beautiful Earth Day collage. We’re going to double up on this craft and use nature treasures as well as recycled materials and some exploration and creativity to create this fun and easy craft.

Step 1 ) Gather Materials from Your Nature Walk

To create your Earth Day collage, begin by gathering materials from your nature walk. Encourage your preschooler to collect leaves, grass, flowers, and any other interesting items they come across. This is a great opportunity to teach them about the different types of plants and how they grow. You can also talk about the importance of respecting nature and not damaging the environment by leaving plants and animals in their natural habitats.

I gave my son a some container and some scissors and let him collect as he would from our yard, while also talking about respecting the growing things from our neighbors yards.

Once we’d gathered a full container of leaves, grass and flowers we headed back inside.

Step 2 ) Collect and Cut up blue recycling

To add more dimension to your Earth Day collage, consider cutting up blue recycling materials to create textured water. Not only will this add visual interest to your creation, but it also reinforces the concept of reusing materials. With this approach, your preschooler can see firsthand how everyday objects can be repurposed to create something new and beautiful.

Once the blue pieces have been cut up you’re ready to start building your collage.  is ready, the possibilities for arranging natural materials are endless. This fun activity will help your child develop their artistic skills while also learning about the importance of preserving the environment. Next, take the creativity up a notch by creating a collage-style Earth cutout.

Click the Earth to print it, or draw your own Earth to fill in

Earth Clip Art Printable

Step 3 ) Create your Collage

Easy Earth Day Collage Craft Once you have gathered your materials, it’s time to start creating your collage. Cut up blue recycling materials to and paste it into the ocean areas that represent the Earth. Then, encourage your preschooler to arrange the natural materials they collected onto the land areas of the earth to create a unique Earth Day collage.


By taking a nature walk, gathering materials, and creating a collage, you are not only celebrating Earth Day with your preschooler but also teaching them valuable lessons about the environment and sustainability. So, get ready to explore the great outdoors and have fun creating a beautiful Earth Day craft together!

7 Quick and Easy Letter D Activities Your Preschoolers Will Love

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers

We love having a weekly letter at our house and finding as many activities as we can managed that center around that letter… but also I’ve got a baby and preschooler and two older kids and I need these activities to be low effort (and expense) to kick off, and high yield for playtime.  That’s why we’ve put together a list of 7 Letter D activities that your preschooler won’t be able to resist. From designing dollhouses to digging for dinosaurs, these activities aren’t just educational, they’re downright enjoyable. So, grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to learn how you can make learning the Letter D a blast for your little one.

Disclosure: I want to give you a heads up that this blog does use affiliate links (which means I make a percentage of the sale if you buy something) and this post might be sponsored or contain affiliate links. In either case please know all opinions are my own.


D is for Dough Donuts

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Play Dough DonutsUsing play doh is a great activity for preschoolers because it’s tactile, sensory, and engaging. You can make your own dough at home with just a few simple ingredients like flour, salt, and water or, you can purchase pre-made play doh or modeling clay from a local store.

Show your child how to use the dough to make a donut shaped circle (honestly there are lots of way this can be accomplished) then decorate the top of it with a different color dough, so it looks like icing, or by pushing little beads or sequins into it like sprinkles if mixing dough colors gives you anxiety like me.

You can make a whole donut shop together or just one or two, and if you want to get the quick air drying clay, it can make fun play food as the air clay sets really fast and has been strong and steadfast in my experience.

You can use this activity to talk about different shapes, sizes, and textures and/or let them go wild with cookie cutters, rolling pins, and plastic knives as the work on those fine motor skills.

D is for Dress Up

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dance Party

Want a super easy D activity? How about a round (or 5) of dress up.  This can go on as long or little as you want and it can use full costumes (I’m thinking about all my halloween leftovers) or scraps of whatever you have around you and available (like rainboots and umbrellas, or scarves and sunglasses).

You can use these get ups to play shop together or act out different roles together for as long as your little one will stay engaged or until you’re ready to move on, but the dress up activity transitions really well into my next D activity which is a Disco Dance Party (or just a Dance Party is fantastic too!)

D is for Disco Dance Party

Let your little one/s show off their moves (and possibly costumes?) with a Disco Dance Party.  Turn down the lights and grab some glow sticks if you want to take it to level 11, or just turn up the music and boogie. This is a great and silly way to get some energy out with those little Dudes and Divas.

D is for Designing a Dollhouse

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Designing a DollhouseIf you’re ready to bring the energy back down, pop over to your table get crafting with designing some doll houses.

I’ve got a few printouts available so your little one can focus on the coloring, cutting and pasting, or you can just put out some paper and coloring supplies and see what kind of creations your preschoolers come up with on their own.

Encourage them to add furniture, wallpaper, and even accessories like tiny plants or picture frames to make the house or den feel more realistic. This activity not only helps with their fine motor skills but also fosters their imagination and design skills.

Once the dollhouse is complete, your preschoolers can play with it, creating stories and adventures for their toys. And who knows, maybe they’ll even have their own little disco dance party in their new dollhouse! Lol.

Click To Download:

Preschool Letter D Activity dollhouse cut and paste Empty House

Letter D Activity - Doll House Rooms Cut Out

Preschool Letter D Activity dollhouse cut and paste furniture

D is for Digging for Dinosaurs (2 Activity Ideas)

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dinosaur DiggingAnd Finally, let’s take the learning outside (or inside with a tote, some ice and a little more prep) and explore the awesome world of dinosaurs by letting your preschooler become a little paleontologists, searching for buried fossils (or plastic dinosaurs) .

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dinosaur Digging

All you’ll need is a sandbox or a dirt area in your backyard, some plastic dinosaur skeletons.

ons or just plastic dinosaurs, and some simple digging tools, like shovels, spoons, or even paint brushes. Hide the fossils in the sand and let your preschoolers dig and excavate to find them.

Alternatively you can do this activity indoors by getting a decent sized tupperware container and freezing your little dinosaurs in it overnight.  Consider excavating these with pipettes of warm water, and spoons, or a reusable straw (If you put the straw in water and cover the top of it with a thumb or finger, it will hold the water until you release it, like a pipette)

I got our pipette set on Amazon and we actually use it a lot and enjoy it.  Here’s a link to it if you’re interested.

As they uncover the fossils, ask them questions about how they might have lived, what they looked liked, and what they ate.

Once your little ones have found all the fossils, they can pretend to be dinosaur experts or act out their own stories using the fossils.

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Dragon CraftD is for Dragons Craft

Super easy craft.  Grab some paper towel tubes, red tissue paper, scissors and a glue stick.

Cut the tissue paper into long strips and glue them all around the inside of one end of the paper towel tube to make a fire breathing dragon snout.  (Draw some nostrils on the end if you feel so inclined)

Quick and Easy Letter D Activity Ideas for Preschoolers - D is for Discovering Diamonds

D is for Discovering Diamonds

And since dragons are known for their love of treasure we did a little treasure hunt.  We had these gems on hand from previous play (We got them off amazon here).  For this activity I hide the gems around our front room and my son went hunting for them easter egg style.  He loved it, and as soon as he had them all he insisted that he get a turn to hide them all for me.  I’m pretty sure this could have gone on for hours, he loved it so much.

Easy Preschool Letter D Activities - D is for Dressing Up Dinosaurs D is for Dressing Up Dinos

This was a bonus and unplanned activity that my son pulled out on our D week and it was just so on theme I had to included it.  We got this “Dress Up Dino” kit from Hobby Lobby (Here are some similar activities on Amazon) and we talked like we were dinosaurs as my son dressed up the crew, and who would have guessed… we ended up having a dino house, rather than a doll house with our craft above. (This was one that I played with my son for half of it, and he happily played with it by himself for another long time while I was getting his little sister down for her nap, so it was a total win in my book)

Have any thoughts or activity ideas? If so I’d love to hear them, feel free to comment below 🙂

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